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BMC (BioMassCore) x ULTIMATE/CROSSOVERs is a storyline project. The project began around July 2016 and is expanding. BMC originally was a greek mythology-focused episodic storyline before being redesigned for an ongoing game-based storyline that has individual themes per chapter leading to it’s climax and would tell a grand narrative. It contains a galactic and historical war setting combined with dark fantasy.

The world of BMC x ULTIMATE involves two split worlds. On one side lies the Positive Zone, housing synthetic crystal-infused superhumans known as Ultfinites. And on the other side resides the Negative Zone that houses Armigers, whom are humans that use techno-magical weapon devices known as Metagallions. These two zones are kept in link to each other via a hierarchial city known as Itea Eroemil through intricate veins of geocosmic life-energy known as leylines that are tied to a biological cycle operating the world. Metagallions contain ancient secrets of the world, using it as a way of hierarchy and are often used against abnormal creatures that they are exposed to. Armigers are conflicted with Ultfinites through their contrasting beliefs. Where Ultfinites believe in evolution, Armigers believe in creationism, affecting the approach of how they use the elemental power of neo-gens for their survival. They come from a splintered background regarding a dead world having oceans with extradimensional properties linked to a conduit behind the pillars. These pillars tapped into ancient otherworldly energy source that is systematically controlled through subjects of an old project that had a falling out from their masters.

BMC has the protagonist Elpis and rival deuteragonist Ritsueto. Elpis is a crusading hunter of an sacred aerospace order known as the Talon Regime. He has an illness involving a grid-lock with a serpent known as Nachash and is restraining his ways of life. Believing it to be a resulting curse from his inherited genetical makeup, relying exclusively on atomic technology.  He is searching for a place of the outerworld known as the promised land that he senses via his Chromesthesia to be the cure through an abnormal energy signature. Along his journey, he attempts to understand the natural order of life and suffering to build up answers of what he’ll achieve. Slowly learning more of his history that he vaguely remembers from an old feud, finding a spiritual rejuvenation in life through uplifting knowledge. Elpis is a caretaker towards a lost child named Birdy who is confused about her mother, not knowing who her father is. Wishing that she can carry her own memories within a life that she’d be happy of for how much he’s willing to go for her safety. He wanders the terran lands of Itea as a stranger that builds his name upon the ranks for his means.

Elpis Pfp1


Ritsueto is a renegade prince of his faction residing in the abyssal realm Tehom, the Abyssal Empire. He was formerly a part of a special clan unit of Black Obyrith used in the Lux Order of Providence, whom secretly used them for research and saw them as outdated compared to their other unit that overthrown them when the Lux Order betrayed the Abyssal Empire after numerous records of conflict between the two factions. In his wander across history, Ritsueto wishes to find purpose in life within his kingdom’s expansion and cure impure existence by spreading supremacy of genetical purity regarding the predecessors of Ultfinites. Which he blames for being the progenitors for the current state of the world after a war that splintered the world through their false ideals, thus is actively looking for a future with only the original matter. Seeing Elpis as a threat to what he holds dear. He is within a distant land working with a scientist named Nahid after a period of his deep slumber, led by an enigmatic force that he feels is part of a vision he attempted to drift away from with his actions.

Undetermined title


Elpis meets with Lin from the ULTIMATE Universe, which is being attracted toward the BMC Universe through a resonance in their electromagnetic waves after a dimensional incident in the Genesis War of Megiddo making a slim guarding passage between their worlds. As a quantum cascade of unstable probability within a tunnel network of extradimensional resources caused the interdimensional server of the Nexus’ conduit to summon links to multiple worlds through the uncovering of a relic fissioned from a greater source as a fragment. Lin is said to have come from a forgotten predecessor generation of Ultfinites that Elpis knows of. Lin’s generation linked to a dark knight whose descendants he gladly works with, the Devil Hunters.



Lin is actively being searched for by Brown, a promising member of an underground group known as the Black Resistance. Their activity is very secretive that even the Talon Regime cannot keep up on attempting to contact them. Albeit Lin suspects that Brown may be searching for him with an alterior motive than what his actual intentions. the attraction of dimensions in ULTIMATE’s world is influenced by an unwavering master in an incident that caused the development of Itea. Rack Levita, a slayer of an ancient time that has had an internal conflict with Lin’s family.

There are multiple factions in the CROSSOVERs storyline that are at war with each other after an ancient period before the Big Bang known as the Primaldian Age. Where electromagnetic alien races as gods all collectively known as Fermials thrived as pneumatic life-forms spiritually-initiated with their own knowledge. They had left behind a divine tree that upholds Itea known as the Sephira Tree that generates life in tune with a forbidden nutshell. The Negative Zone converts thoughts into matter, transporting into the Positive Zone through a dimensional conduit it shares through a bordering point into the nutshell. This bordering point was within a breach during an event of a twilight warp splitting the world into two realms while the land would become a breach of warps with rifts. With the worlds attempting to unite via attraction when their polarities resonate, causing disastrous effects. The people that praised the Sephira Tree were that of a forgotten race part of a societal split between those that strived to continue creating in more extremes and villagers that felt they had done enough in their creations. Said to have diverted into the conflict of Obyrith and Astrables to Ultfinites and Armigers. Black Obyrith were blackhole-like bizarre supersoldiers with genetical alterations of a parasitic infestation. One of the most notorious Black Obyrith was a being known as Ritsueto. He was created by his own father, Equinox, who was the leader of the Obyrith faction. Ritsueto was supposed to be the ultimate Obyrith, meant to be the cure against the first generation of bio-cybernetic mutants.

The Obyrith were originally in the military of Astrables. Who wewre holy templars whose purpose was to ensure the cycle of life through virtue in contrast of sin. Serving as watchtowers to primaldians they loved. Armigers grow more aware of these Astrables through the knowledge programs they access. Said to be reverse-engineered off of an odic force. This odic force breathed in a cycle is part of an alchemically-shifting prime element with the base matter through the Nexus’ conduit. Set behind a principle door of truth augmented into Metagallions that allow mind transferrence. The first Ophiuchus was made as one of the Astrables, but has had a past deeper than one would first think. Shrouded in rumors of sin as people had oppressed it as a False Zodiac through many eras for the guilt in their hearts inducing them to put more faith within an odic spectrum that elements originated from, the Miraculous Wavesong. Which is said to have sent a rewarding phenomenon after an event known as the Elemental War, sending elements through the dimensions and are binded together through a goddess that tamed the conduit in an age where the first Ophiuchus became prominent in it’s cellular gene. Even crushing races to keep their spiritual balance in the world while protecting their Nexus as their holy influence.

The multiple factions are at war or alliance with each other through the influence from doubts of Gods, virus constructs of mutation, energy crises, forbidden knowledge. And most importantly dogmatic and evangelistic ideals such as a worshipping confliction involving an ancient dragon against the influence of Astrables’ Lux Order worshipping the Miraculous Wavesong’ bind in the Nexus managing the unified flow of life across space-time via leylines. After the Genesis War, a collective warp was caused with the draining of the island’s core, the chaotic water flood of rising mutants in the star-borne Tidal Cataclysm virus and rift siphoning from a blackhole-generating core reactor linked to a breach portal while reality had begun to collapse.

Ultfinites had eventually risen through an imperfection, impacted by an ancient force of hidden life while techno-organic remnants of the Tidal Cataclysm lurk with crystallized data from an old Fermial-related blood failed in archival, using their own will in instigated insurrections or by waves. There will be 7 layers of the storyline labeled as “Generations”, having multiple  missions for both Elpis and Lin along with multiple other playable characters for each one, exploring different parts of the world that shed different races, galaxies and philosophies. And will head further into the forgotten remnants of the Primaldian Age’s struggle for control buried in time, such as the promised land’s hidden origin. As they discover more about the splintered beliefs between Ultfinites and Armigers that halt progression of life, their questioned fate in the new world order will be bent in their journey within the accursed world for a penance. In this treacherous and chaotic world, where divinity had long been forgotten, the Sephira Tree still stood tall, waiting for its secret protocol to be unlocked. The question was, who would be worthy enough to wield its power and write the fate of the CROSSOVERs universe? In order to fulfill a dying wish in the ultimate principle.