Brown, the Ecliptic Warlord is a young protege within the Black Resistance, serving the Matriarch. He is a brilliant strategist, a fearless fighter, after witnessing the atrocities of the world. Since then, he has risen through the ranks, earning the respect and admiration of his comrades. He is known for his daring raids, and his fierce devotion to the cause. …
Lin, the Third-party Devil Hunter is a nephillim who serves as one of the newer recruits to the Devil Hunters. He serves as the protagonist of ULTIMATE, coming from a broken family that he’s struggling to piece back together. All while constantly on the run from members of the Revolt Tyrants that are actively pursuing him. – Personality – Lin has a fairly double-sided mindset, balancing confidence …
Daibo, the Flamma Majesty, is a Vessel amongst the Talon Regime’s Tannin Jaegers. He is a runaway prince of a prideful kingdom that’s escaped and is commonly seen in valley sites. Causing people to spread rumors that affected his reputation and the general perception of him. Some that know him may even say the rumors live up to what they …
Lightstreak (Nicknamed LS), the Speed Demon, is an Armiger within the Talon Regime’s Tannin Jaegers. He is a former officer of the Nebulous Sential that joined to serve his country and honor his father, first being rejected due to how he was perceived as someone frail until deciding to take his life for a change. He eventually left out of …
Ritsueto Remina, the Abyss-chained Omen of Chaos, is the regal prince of the Abyssal Empire and the anti-villainous deuteragonist of the BioMassCore’s storyline, serving as the rival to Elpis. He is known infamously by his Homunculi title as the 0th Obyrith, Haos Powehi and has had a reputation for a destructive incident in his ritualistic birth. He was formerly a …
Elpis, “The Orphic Veineline” is the antiheroic protagonist of BioMassCore‘s storyline. He serves as one of the international military crusaders known as the “Tannin Jaegers“, within the sacred aerospace group titled the Talon Regime that uses guerilla tactics to keep mutant threats under control, stopping misuse of lifestream and liberating life together while recruiting them together to undermine various factions. …