Elpis, “The Orphic Veineline” is the antiheroic protagonist of BioMassCore‘s storyline. He serves as one of the international military crusaders known as the “Tannin Jaegers“, within the sacred aerospace group titled the Talon Regime that uses guerilla tactics to keep mutant threats under control, stopping misuse of lifestream and liberating life together while recruiting them together to undermine various factions. He is a cyborg utilizing restructured gear-like cells and molecules contained in his Exonaut suit. He willingly converted himself into a cyborg through conditioning his body into conversion as a way to compensate for a genetical misfunction via scientific means when being inspired by his idol. He lives with his human daughter, Birdy and his oath sister, Lyra who leads the Tannin Jaegers. A special division of Ultfinites administrating races of alien mutants labeled Fermials while he is under an enigmatic figure known as Lucius Verde whom understands more of his hollow forms than Elpis could know himself.
Elpis is often set onto missions involving the hunt of Ultfinites or Nosoimones, making him believe that the hope he was destined in the future to find is twisted. A twisted hope he wishes to carry out onto others by achieving his wish for freedom by breaking out of what restrains him, and it is this humanly freedom he believes he can ascend to for the sake of forcefully protecting those he cares for. Engrossed in the idea of a place known as the “promised land” that he believes has answers to his means after sensing it in his failures of incantations due to his genetical misfunction during a plague.
– Personality –
Elpis is a stern and realistic person, shaped by his upbringing and experiences. He rarely shows his emotions to others, as he was taught to suppress his right to think and feel. He has a hard time comprehending emotional concepts like happiness, which he sees as colors or chemicals that he cannot perceive. Finding pain to be how he finds pain to be proof that he’s alive. He is driven by his quest for truth and his right to think, which makes him resentful of his superiors who try to stop him. However, he does not want to harm them, as he believes they are still the key to his goals. Elpis has a deep fear and hatred of mutation, which he views as a disease that makes neo-gens look abnormal. He feels guilty when he sees Ultfinites who have some rationality, as he thinks they are wasting their lives and being forced into simple-mindedness by the plague. He does not seek to harm anyone, but he feels compelled to do so in situations that he considers experiments from the “Monad”. He is determined to pursue his goals and explore the world, even when it is difficult. He has different ways of dealing with those he does not respect: he may mock them with his realism, or he may ignore them. He may act this way to defend himself or others, or to express his displeasure with someone who interferes with his leadership, like Lightstreak. Elpis can be very blunt and sometimes insensitive, as he prefers to solve problems directly and by himself. He often puts himself in danger, either out of defiance or out of a desire to feel free. Becoming enveloped in the thought of stimulating control with him without anyone else suffering the burden. Even willing to take a decent amount of injuries to get through something.
Elpis is a person who tries to be fair and insightful with others at first encounter, but he also has a morally grey dilemma. He is willing to rebel against his superiors and lie for his own benefit, if he thinks they are wrong or unjust. He does not follow any standard moral code, but his own. However, he is afraid of being taken advantage of by strangers, so he acts formally and cautiously around them. He does not care about his heritage or his past, because they are too painful and complicated for him. He only cares about his goals and the people he loves. Elpis wants to achieve more than his current situation, such as dealing with Ritsueto who he met in the Genesis War. They have different reasons for feeling like failures, and Elpis wants to surpass Ritsueto. Elpis has synesthesia, which means he sees colors when he hears sounds. He associates bright colors with his false happiness, and black and white colors with his father’s fate and a simpler time. He also sees purple and magenta colors as signs of tragedy and plagues, especially when he hears the names of his parents. He wants to see black and white colors more often, because he thinks they represent peace and purity. He tries to cleanse himself of his impurities by gaining spiritual awareness, which he believes can be achieved through his destination, the promised land.
Elpis has grown loyal to Lyra and Birdy, who has a lilac color in his synesthesia. Lilac is the color of spirituality, purity, and grace, which are the qualities that Elpis longs for. He also has different feelings about the Beta-Candidates based on their colors in his Ciphers. For example, he feels nostalgic and conflicted about Craven, who has a color of looking forward and backward. However, he hates the color of his tech, Indigo, which he sees as a parasite that he needs to get rid of. He also doubts his own identity and free will, and he calls himself a “blank sheet” or “uncolored”. He wants to break free from the expectations of society and find his own purpose and purity.
– Relationships –
- Lyra: Due to her being somewhat older, Lyra attempts to constantly steer him in the right direction she sees fit. The two contrast in behavior due to Elpis being taken in by a group of bandits and rejecting his heritage, thus forgetting his second and last name. Though this part of him can make Lyra frustrated, she still persists to do what she can for him even if he’s not in interest at the time due to how much she cares enough for him. Both equally view each other with a portion of stubbornness within themselves, occasionally mediating between a positive or negative way. Elpis doesn’t like her opportunism, and Lyra dislikes his self-denial. She eases up to Elpis the most due to her willing to lay down her life for him.
- Birdy: Elpis met Birdy when she was looking for her mother, and she quickly decided to partner up with Elpis due to his knowledge. Albeit he didn’t know how to feel about her at first. He began to feel empathy towards her, lamenting the loss of child innocence. Making him more heavy-handed with the people that Birdy sees due to the potential danger they could have. Seeing anything related to neo-gens or the Tidal Cataclysm as a risk on his or her way of living thus attempts to condition her out of her habits. These habits being a result of her naturally open response to the Nosoimones or Ultfinites around her. The two of them share fake names, with Birdy’s name being chosen by Elpis due to her nature being like that of a bird. Yet as part of that, he sees her caged by the circumstances she’s in and doesn’t know if she can be able to handle it properly. Birdy herself is unaware of what Elpis does in his works with the Talon Regime, feeling something off regardless of the beneficial means. Elpis himself feels similarities of Birdy to Lilynette, fearing that if he cannot have freedom to preserve against the diseased world around him, his circumstances will fall upon him. Causing Birdy to believe if he wants to see his goals meet, he must be able to relinquish it with others. Wanting him to be able to accept more within the life they’re bound to share.
- Lilynette/Shidarena: TBA
- Astaroth Lagriemelex/Nachash: A constant thorn in his side, Nachash is always seeking to test Elpis’ limits and capabilities. Whether it be his snarky remarks, his ominous offerings or vague sense of guidance. Claiming he’s wanting for Elpis to only respond through instinct to get better. Even if he clearly doesn’t know how to wipe away the maniacal attitude. Despite treating him as nothing more than a fly that can never be swatted, Elpis occasionally is thankful to have Nachash on the times he proves to be beneficial. This usually being in exchange for Nachash having total control over a situation. Something that Elpis will attempt to twist to his own benefit when necessary.
- Lucius: TBA
- Seirya: TBA
- Lightstreak: Elpis has to prove himself worthy to the rest of the team, especially to Lightstreak, who considers himself a better candidate. Lightstreak is a brilliant strategist and a loyal soldier, who follows his own rules and always keeps his promises. He learned his skills from his mentor and his former partner, Minerva, who were both exemplary officers in the Armigers. He has a strong sense of patriotism and a desire to win the war by outsmarting the enemy. He is obsessed with planning his next moves and setting up his own “traffic” to achieve his goals. However, this also makes him arrogant and dismissive of others’ opinions. He acknowledges Elpis’ strengths and potential but can’t help himself when thinking on his weaknesses and flaws. Elpis recognizes Lightstreak’s talents and achievements and admires his dedication and loyalty. He does not let Lightstreak’s hostility or criticism get to him and instead challenges him to improve himself and work together for the common good. He believes that Lightstreak can be more than just a soldier and that he can help him achieve his vision for a better world.
- Coraline: TBA
- Larasu: TBA
- Daiyu: Elpis views Daiyu as a fascinating and intriguing person, but also as a dangerous and unpredictable one. He admires her skills and her courage, but he distrusts her brutality and her admiration for Ritsueto. Yet that never stops him from helping her keep her hopes up. He wants to learn more about her and her background, but he also wants to keep his distance from her and her emotions. He also wants to communicate with her better and more effectively, which he thinks are important and meaningful. Often enjoying her company but doesn’t impose on her or himself.
- Daibo: Elpis had always been a skeptic, a realist who knew the harsh realities of life. He had seen too much pain and suffering to believe in fairy tales and happy endings. He had learned to rely only on himself, and to keep his emotions in check. He did not need anyone else, or so he thought. Daibo was different. He was a dreamer, a hopeful soul who saw the beauty and wonder in everything. He had a heart of gold, and he wanted to share it with others. Elpis finds Daibo naive, and he thinks he can act too recklessly. Not believing in his optimistic outlook so much, though he wouldn’t snap at him. Daibo, on the other hand, finds Elpis intriguing and mysterious, and he wants to get to know him better. He thinks Elpis is smart and brave, and he admires his dedication and determination. He tries to cheer him up and make him laugh, and he hopes to break through his cold and aloof exterior. He does not give up on him, even when he is met with indifference.
- Gerda: TBA
- Beta-Candidates: TBA
- Ritsueto: Elpis dreads Ritsueto’s presence. Seeing him as a representation of everything that’s plaguing the world. His arrogance, the code that the Obyrith live up to, etc. Due to Ritsueto believing all life is simply an emanation off the base matter, he sees someone like Elpis as going against the path of his god through his technology. While Elpis thinks that Ritsueto’s god would never be satisfied with him regardless of what he does, because he already has everything. And is simply overcompensating for an issue that he can’t handle by doing it for a lost cause rather than executing the central issue. Thus Elpis’ constant chasing of freedom is the foil to Ritsueto’s objective and totalitarian visions over the world. Ritsueto challenges Elpis’ standards, claiming that they are unrealistic and unsustainable, and that he is hiding his true self from the world. Elpis senses that Ritsueto is also haunted by the past, and wonders if he is fighting for the wrong reasons. But he cannot afford to sympathize with him, as their goals are irreconcilable. Their fate is uncertain, as they continue to fight each other.
– History – Origin –
- Strange.. This specimen should have an analog disc of him somewhere. Could he be hiding something?
- There must be some reason for this man’s potential.
- I concur, but his name doesn’t even appear anywhere on our data libraries. It might not even be his real one.
- No matter, I need to find as much as I can of him if he’s going to be with us.
- As I’d expect you would.
– Abilities (Astral Indigo) –
Astral Indigo is an electric/atom-powered mechanism within Exonaut as a thermonuclear pulse of radiation streams from atomic energies that is controlled by Elpis through an Ex Arm-like function of neurotic-controlled aelophis technology. This is to compensate for a genetical misfunction hindering any ability development through a plague. Exonaut is linked to Elpis’ arc reactor which helps Elpis’ respiratory system and keeps it stabilized through the air around him, depending on his veins. The arc reactor sends atomic energies across the Exonaut, empowering it as a transmutated armor of organic technology. This organic technology involves how it’s frame is restructured to attach to Elpis’ body via his DNA and respiratory system flowing with charged cells made from 31 miniature asterisps as silvery Quinteseeds, helping supply his arc reactor. It is through these Quinteseeds that Elpis is able to use his main means of mobility, bio-warping. Which allows him to quickly transport toward a direction of a reasonable distance with helix-like trails that create a tailwind of atomic particles, disassembling Exonaut at a molecular level as veiny string that later reassembles when he reaches his destination.
A core function within Exonaut is to quickly distort objects and organism into reformation via their atoms and cells, often used for a previous state or into a naturally converted state of their matter. Reversing flow to destroy abnormality across the body through reconfiguration of cells or atoms with an atomic stimulation that damages DNA of infectious cells. Causing a radioactive seal mark on where it was done, but supernatural abilities such as restoring life cannot be done with this. As well as how this can be negated by people that warp life in a harmful manner like Ritsueto, or those who can use nuclear force and are stronger. With the power to atomize, Elpis can break down matter into its constituent atoms, manipulating them at a fundamental level. This ability allows him to disintegrate objects, turning them into a state of atomic particles. Moreover, Elpis possesses the capability to trigger fusion reactions. Unleashing raw, controlled energy, enabling him to devastate opponents or manipulate his environment at will. On the flip side, Elpis also possesses the power to induce fission reactions. This ability allows Elpis to break apart matter into smaller materials, effectively disintegrating targets or structures with precision and force.
Quinteseeds move in a geometric formation when generating and are contained within charged slots of lifestream with altered blood pressure and propulsion linked to the intravenous exoskeleton of Exonaut stabilizing Elpis in synchronization. Thus generating various nanite-like alchemical technology through Elpis commanding their formations in configurations of reactionary properties for the atomic energy. These configurations are based upon the matter flow of veins with oxygen, which Elpis reads with atoms to disassemble and reconfigure with a symbiotic bond. Increasing blood flow through inducers, flowing lymphs throughout his prehensile cardiovascular system transfusing blood and veins for the Exonaut to alter various things through energy with a bio-topological bind, Such as compressing into atomic bursts caused by a powerful thrust into surfaces, spiralling rays, atomic bullets firing in a wide-spraying range from fusion orbs (Which release their compression so far that the deposited beam can burn up ectoplasm) or diving while coated in an “anchor-drill” of energy streams reflecting in upward trajectory via threaded tendrils of spiralling helix-cords. A key strength of Elpis is his surgical capabilities, deeply analyzing the atomic structure of tissues, organs and other biological materials during surgical procedure. Enabling him to make precise adjustments and corrections at the smallest scales, ensuring that he’s on point. Such as sculpting tissues, removing tumors and repairing damaged organs with meticulous attention to detail. Through his Exonaut, he can accelerate healing processes for smaller wounds and reduce recovery times. However, he can only perform abilities like these if he understands enough during a situation and requires careful management through not rapidly transmutating, due to how it builds up more harm that could require a breathing rehearsal.
- Various elemental weaknesses affecting Elpis will put his Quinteseeds into a silenced status, temporarily restricting the usage of spells
- Elpis is resistant to poisons due to his arc reactor and is unable to drown in water
– Weapons –
Gestalt Calibur: Elpis’ singing rod dagger, Gestalt, is a remarkable weapon that can bend and twist like a snake through a jointed whip mechanism on it’s hilt that alters it’s attacks when transforming it. It is a Lux Espada-styled blade that belongs to the Ophiuchuses and was based on a splintered fang, as it’s charged attacks are said to be venomous to enemies due to the quicksilver material tied to Elpis’ curse. Gestalt is kept in a holy temple, where only kings and chiefs can access it. It is a sacred blade that can seal exacosm from subjects with the same pearly ore as Elpis’ arc reactor, utilizing it for Ex Arms. Gestalt has a harp-like handle that allows Elpis to communicate with the asterisps through their wing-like fibers. It also has a pod-cocoon named Titania that controls the Quinteseeds, the seeds of life that can manipulate matter and energy. Elpis prefers to utilize rotational attacks such as twist and turns that are akin to a snake via Nachash’s incorporation, holding Gestalt downward rather than wielding it properly. Gestalt can change its shape and function according to the Cipher, the code that Elpis uses to activate different modes. Gestalt can also combine with other weapons of the Tannin Jaegers to create powerful attacks during spell cards.
Gestalt can also distill lifestream during synchronization, and use it to create various effects, such as optical blasts, railgun shots, and more within slots of Quinteseeds. these slots use charged nexeratic cells that Elpis uses chemistry on with chemical injections, treating them as a medium to project energy in Exonaut for augments. Alternatively, Elpis can allow Gestalt to absorb and condense it’s energy before releasing it at the tip of the blade, magnifying into a wide-slash attack that flies forward. This requires a massive cooldown.
– Gameplay and Moveset Plan –
- Unpredictability, strategy, agility and flexibility are Elpis’ strong-suits, as he senses enemies from a decent range when nearing close to them thus allowing to think on approach while grounded for hit-and-run. When using his weapons, Elpis’ rotational attacks give him a wide range and are often rapid, making him move sharply. His attacks are based upon deconstructing his enemies to use his Gestalt to reconstruct into beneficial stats and devastating attacks through conserving up on nearly-dead enemies, being able to see weakpoints on an enemy to mark and deal the most damage. Resulting in effects such as stat augmentation, restoration, refining weaponry, etc via using his bio-warp. Though he deals medium damage at best and has to follow up his attacks with unique ones to not break his combo, along with how the tip of Gestalt’s blade and whips deals poisonous damage. His combo capabilities allow him to pressure defensive enemies well, increasing damage through his extended combos whether on ground or air. Though, he cannot attack consistently when moving due to his evasive nature. His evasive nature allows him to navigate through narrow passages or wrap around obstacles to find hidden areas easily, and his dodges cause him to do a held slither motion that’s twistable through double inputs for a quick and powerful attack. This is to deal with the fact that Elpis’ illness causes him to take more damage from enemies, leading to him losing more health over time through the more damage he takes thus makes it his risk demanding more use for his kit. Relying on his grapples and finishers to heal
- Through mixing different nexeratic chips from his Ciphers on his menu, Elpis can augment their stats on himself at the start, affecting Enigma Trigger but is limited to slots in his energy gauge. These stats will boost his weapons, movement and passive abilities and are utilized with key combinations of Cipher attacks. Being able to “fission” an enemy’s health to get more points with grabs, finishers, etc. Such as weakening an enemy through an element-augmented attack, allowing Elpis to restructure the weakened enemy through a dash. Altering their weakened state and taking in their stats as part of elements related to that attack, thus Elpis can mix in multiple elements like an alchemical brew and send out a Quinteseed that uses that attack through using a portion of the energy gauge to shed a piece of Exonaut. Damage buffs are in the form of red nexeratics, projectile/range buffs are blue nexeratics, defense buffs are purple nexeratics, health buffs are green nexeratics, speed buffs are orange nexeratics, item buffs are yellow nexeratics and multi-hit buffs are in the form of black nexeratics. Using all at once can only be done when Elpis is at low health. These nexeratic types slot absorbed souls in association with an enhancement through evoking a Cipher in Elpis’ base moves through it’s sound and movement, fusing the restructured stats and attacks based on the enemy into it’s moves.
- However, some enemies could be notably infected causing them to be more active towards Elpis causing the player to need to approach more tactically while keeping the sounds going. Requires a decent understanding on enemies to understand what nexeratics they could give in combination with other ones or ones that match. Uses both the enemy’s health and Elpis’ energy gauge for restructuring. The less health an enemy has left, the more energy that will be used for efficient attacks. Matching nexeratics can be beneficial and more are gained through a combo of attacking the enemies tactically as they are aggressive and progress in stats. The slotted nexeratics can be accumulated to form a white incantation out of a collective nexeratic cube to perform a key combination of a spell card.
- Basic Combos: Has a 3-slash combo, either slashing straight-forward or slashing in a swipe. First slash is horizontal, second slash twists vertically and the last slash has Elpis coil Gestalt behind his back into an enemy. The last slash is somewhat heavy but deals the most damage. Pausing in the middle of his combo causes Elpis to twist Gestalt backward in a curved slash for a heavy hit, allowing for combo extension and mixes in projectile shots. Finishing this alternate combo has Elpis rush at an enemy with quick slashes from Gestalt. Elpis’ third combo has him whirl Gestalt’s dagger whip before doing an anchor-drill slash from the ground.
- Ouroboros Cross: 2 slashes that are meant to link into another combo whether from a Cipher or Ex Arm. Such as a cross slash from Aegle, a revolving slam from Machaon, a rocket punch from Telesphorus, a double spinning forward slash from Panacea, a thrown shield from Hygeia, an upward ground-to-air combo from Iaso, etc.
- Sky Eater Combo: Elpis’ mid-air combo has 4-slashes. Including a series of winding twists and a rapid slash that can be paused in the middle to get more attacks. Elpis’ winding twists can be held to turn him around against other enemies. Slashing in mid-air keeps Elpis in mid-air after a jump for a short amount of time, allowing him to reach higher platforms. It also gets a large swing in on grounded enemies, being performable twice and the second causes Elpis to leap back as he unleashes a medium-long curved slash toward an enemy.
- Blade Loop: Spins Gestalt in a vertical fashion to grind up opponents. It can also be used to reach aerial enemies. Doing this in mid-air makes Elpis use the hilt of Gestalt in a vertical uppercut with an upward spiralling anchor-drill slash, ending with a downward heavy slash upon attacking again. This can help with extending mid-air combos and reaching a greater height.
- Everflowing: Slashes up then downward with his dagger whip in a curved 5-slash
- Fury Vein: Elpis slamming his anchor-drill down from the air to the ground with a diagonal kick makes a small stunning wave as he splits Gestalt’s whips in both directions. Can be used to destroy damaged terrain on the ground that could lead to hidden passages.
- Striking Viper: A spinning launch that sends enemies and Elpis into mid-air. Can follow up this launch attack with a twisting light or heavy whip attack via a Cipher switch. Elpis’ launch can be followed up with extending Gestalt to slam the enemy back down
- Driver Tail–bringer: Grapples Elpis towards points to platform. Elpis can hit enemies from far away or hold to snatch enemies mid-combo through Gestalt to extend his juggles through redirection whether from ground or mid-air. He can also use enemies to swing over them and/or pull them for a heavy attack with great knockback
- Caustic Virulence: Holds Gestalt in front of him whether for ground and air, whipping it at enemies rapidly and is chargeable
- Shadow Fang: Chargeable sword thrust dashing towards enemies from a reasonable distance with a sweeping anchor-drill twist. Elpis charges his Gestalt Calibur then lunges towards an enemy by dashing and attacking at the same time. This thrusting dash can deflect projectiles and happens twice. If the attack key is pressed on-time the enemy is contacted to a certain amount, Elpis can unleash a barrage of sword strikes rather than a thrust. Can be followed or cancelled with Striking Viper. This thrusting dash can be done with a dash jump as well, reaching up to mid-air. It can also be used downwards to boost a jump, allowing an air-dash forward through lock-on. Charging a dash on a wall allows to anchor-drill damaged terrain. Gaining enough speed within a dash allows to charge towards enemies with a devastating attack ignoring their shields. They can also be used in the beginning or middle of combos whether on ground or air.
- Driver Tail-dash: Charging a dash into a bio-warp when an enemy is behind causes spiralling tailwinds to blow them away, going through walls. Used to quickly move and reach high places. Tailwinds could guide various things into Elpis’ direction. Air-dashes are diagonal, allowing Elpis to bounce off his walls and slow his descent.
- Slides down and is able to shoot at the same time to get past obstacles. Crouch dash is performable after a parry. Stopping Elpis’ slide causes him to enter a flipping kick. Sliding can be predecessed with a downward slash and is a decent move to counter enemies by avoiding a huge attack. Lesser enemies that get caught in the way of Elpis’ sliding are thrown in a wave.
- Wind Break: Can dash back to twist dodge with an evading whip slash but cannot cancel it as well as having limited dashes. After dodging, Elpis can swiftly attack an enemy with a held backstab. Dashes can be cancelled with a quick rotational slash that causes Elpis to turn around or flip over an enemy with a twisting slash, helping avoid incoming damage.
- When on a wall, Elpis can do short attacks to reach enemies that are either on the wall or away from him.
- Acidic Spew: Does a double swing that closes in when in mid-air. Has a follow-up sweep attack when landing from mid-air that leaves radioactive trails of atoms.
- Miasmic Stamp: Can hold down attack to unleash a 180 sword swing with wide range and damage, having 4 quick follow-up slashes that go forward. Doing it upward causes Elpis to launch himself and an enemy into the air with a twirling slash.
- Finishing special technique attacks unite forces with allies for a conclusive finisher on bosses.
- Death Slammer: Can finish off enemies with a quickly-timed whip grab either with Gestalt or a PB-Railbuster shot using nexeratics.
- Can bounce upwards by jumping and slashing down on enemies, obstacles or the environment
- Cobra Massacre: Spell card where Elpis wildly flails Gestalt’s dagger-whip back and forth before it returns to him, setting off atomic fire that drags to his path
- Helix Snatch: Is able to disarm enemies that wield weapons or reach items that are far away with it’s whip pull. Can use wires to grab obstacles to throw at enemies
- Revenge: If Elpis gets knocked down, he can twist his blade like a staff to hold himself for recovery and perform a counterattack
- Elpis’ Ultimate Attack is Death’s Approach, where he unleashes fang-like extensions on Gestalt’s hilt and uses the blade like a dagger, using both in conjunction like whipping claws with a wide range on it’s attack. Using up attacks tied to his Enigma Trigger.
AiX Bulwark: A holy energy quintesson techno-shield of Elpis used to compensate for weak stamina in melee, passively wielded in unison with PB-Railbuster and sometimes Gestalt. Compacted within a satellite dish-like shape for attachment on Elpis’ back. When used, it can store charges of energy within it’s cartridges to redirect it after analyzing it into an Ex Arm. It is equipped with jets on it’s angular ends for Elpis to engage into a high-speed attack charging his shield into opponents while covered in an X-shaped orb aura of code. It’s laser cannon is used within the Hygeia Cipher, only shortly used normally as a quick cannon blast. Commonly used for parries with Elpis turning his arm sideways with Bulwark and Gestalt.
- If Elpis performs his parry while moving, it causes him to do a swift step along with multiplying points scored. However, he cannot parry in the middle of an attack and his parry doesn’t work on heavy attacks like beams. Parries with well thought-out follow-ups against opponents could put them in a dazing stagger
- Dash can break into barriers when attacking
- Cannot dash and block at the same time
- Block can be broken when used 5 times against attacks or is hit with a heavy attack
- Parrying is difficult to do with Gestalt, thus Bulwark is to compensate for Elpis’ better traversal
PB-Railbuster: An alternate form to the anchor-drill augment of Gestalt in the shape of an key-like arm rifle-bow cannon with a beastly maw that charges atomic particles from the ore within Elpis’ heart reactor in helix-like directions as cross waves of high diffusion and compressed air. Normally fires short turquoise bullets and is very useful when Elpis is moving due to it’s high firing rate, limited to 5 shots at once. Shots go through terrain and obstacles. Can tag targets with a lock-on after sending a signal via a thrown projectile of a Quinteseed that tags those nearby when far away, sending out a rotating stream of spiralling atomic rays towards them with high penetration leaving damaging energy in its wake that can level up to increase range and rate of fire. This rotating stream can suspend mechanical beings, allowing Elpis to take advantage while they’re in the bio-field using them as a shield while moving forward but will have to perform a diffusion prior to the bio-field nearly running out to keep it active. When charging shots, the maw becomes bigger and becomes an angled mechanical projectile bio-cannon resting on Elpis’ shoulder either emitting an missile spray or a wide atomic beam and is plugged to Elpis’ back via it’s bent tail for spell cards. The horns’ energizing growth indicates the charge levels while PB-Railbuster increases in size expanding on Elpis’ arm. Having the capability of causterizing Nosoimones.
- Laser beams with full-auto mode having it’s trajectory be affected, having high damage
- Tagging enemies by dashing into them makes Elpis fire a stream of homing shots when focusing on an enemy through lock-on. Lock-on also reveals hidden objects, directing rapid projectiles when charging after dashing into objects or enemies. When far away, Elpis’ lock-on with Podalirius is able to “diagnose” enemy categories to prepare a strategy.
- Aims downward when shooting in mid-air – Angular aiming for certain occasions, unable to aim fully in all directions unlike Ritsueto
- Arc Spray: Projectiles can charge an supershot anchor-drill and an elevating shot that shoots a blasting spread of high diffusion from down to up quickly. Range increases from leveling up.
- X Disintegrator: Charged shots have increasing knockback. and can be upgraded to 5 charges. First charge fires a standard blast in the form of a conjured spirit hitting foes in it’s path, second charge fires a spiraling helix-shaped ray. Stocked shots will fission out the larger charged shot into smaller projectiles that spread damage.
- Is altered with elemental modules of Ex Arms but is limited with energy consumption based on how much damage Elpis takes, which can be halved with an upgrade
- Countering nearby projectiles that are sensed makes Elpis maneuver around with a mutant fiber in Exonaut Alean, shortly dilating and firing a gauge-consuming blast.
- Countering a nearby projectile about to hit Elpis with a precise reaction makes him slide and fire a powerful shot at the targets surrounding him
Exonaut Alean: A bodily armor of restructured molecules and is the “peak of Elpis’ abilities” He projects into this form with a link and always tries to force abilities onto this armor by his conscious projected into his arc reactor’s ore linked to his pendant to prevent bodily stress. Using astral chains of string known as serge to keep Elpis bound, said to be put by an ancient maiden and is kept in check by Titania. This armor is activated by Gestalt’s unsealing, with Nachash bound to the exoskeletal spine. Elpis’ serum dose was modified so that the crucial undersheath of Exonaut was supercompressed and stored in the hollows of his bones. Directly wired toward his brain allowing him to control it via thought and interface with other tech. Capable of firing an orbital atomic beam from it’s chest but has heavy burnout of his gauge. It can attempt to restructure mutated cells and molecules of Nosoimones to forcefully cure them. It’s energy conduit/reactor of ectoplasmic atom energies is Elpis’ amulet, casting personalized weapons with nanites harvesting a psychic emotional concept as constructs of neurotic spark with the nerves’ pulses, similarly shared with other Vessels. Cannot affect anything that doesn’t directly harm or has by-passes against physical defenses such as spiritual means and has a limit to radiation exposure.
Exonaut has the capacity to absorb smaller particles as fuel. By assimilating and utilizing various particles as a power source, Elpis can sustain his energy levels and amplify his control over atomization, fusion, and fission processes, being used to access his Enigma Trigger.
- Elpis uses fusionism and fissionism on Exonaut with various Ciphers in reconfigurations through the chemicals in armor’s transmutated frame. Such as Aceso/Akesis or Aratus CIpher.
- Usage of spell cards affects Elpis’ health depending on how well it is executed on enemies or bosses.
Chiron Strata: A bio-organic horse hoverbike Elpis rides during missions on-road for faster travel via augmentation of his legs. Has turbines on the side linked to Elpis to boost in sync with him. Elpis’ AiX Bulwark can be infused with the engine of Chiron to act as it’s battering engine block.
Ciphers: Sub-device gadget implants within Elpis that transplants memories of the past within Elpis and mimics old genes with each Cipher that he collects after battling each Spiral Lord in Generation 1. It is able to see through the memories of users from the past and future. Each Cipher contains the archived spirit of the Beta-Candidates of the Spiral Lords such as Sabano and Elise within Aceso/Akesis. Ciphers reconfigure the Synchro-Gear mechanism flowing energy in Exonaut to allow usage of magical weapon-devices collected from bosses’ souls named Ex Arms, functioning with different sets of nexeratics. Ex Arms are slotted together in cellular flow with Lyra’s portable tome sub-device in the form of a Necronomicon Tome containing spells in the form of data cards archived with a back-up mobile terminal of Gestalt.
The terminal is equipped with a signaling artificial brain data-emulated through a prototype. They use an elemental bind and transmutation on Ex Arms’ lifestream derived from the collected organisms to replicate their weapons from analysis of samples from them with a medium. Being synergetically transmutated via a fusion within Exonaut Alean and is often supported by Quinteseeds. Ciphers contain cathode raytubes within their cores serving as adaptors.
- Each Cipher receives different forms of spell cards that can be adopted as a primary fighting style when battling with a specific Cipher for a long duration.
- When selecting a Cipher, Elpis‘ attacks for Gestalt are altered, allowing him to freely switch to the Cipher mid-combo and utilizes each Cipher as different gadgets that enhance his playstyle.
- Ex Arms produce different forms of sound and movement in it’s move-set and spell cards that could potentially resonate together with other Ex Arms of the other Ciphers. Other forms of shapes are made too, altering transmutation incantations.
- Ciphers/Ex Arms give different shapes to Exonaut Alean’s armor through Elpis adapting
- Only 5 Ciphers can be chosen during a mission
Telesphorus Cipher (Orange): This Cipher is capable of one-on-one combat on enemies and utilizing continuous attacks combined with agility and knockback, enhancing ground combat through charging attacks easier. It has more follow-ups that can either finish off an enemy or keep them down. Elpis’ form of alchemical technology usage in this Cipher is melting, degrading solids and enemies down to liquids thus altering Elpis’ moves in powerful focused attacks that sweeps enemies with damage building up in close proximity. Having Bulwark split across Elpis’ prosthesis arms and shins as a pair of scaled gauntlets and grieves covered in graphene. Elpis is able to cancel his moves easier to get in and out of close range. Key combinations melting enemies builds up molecular heat and speed.
- Quickdraw Heat: Elpis can extend and retract Gestalt’s attacks for more damage by either pausing his charges or using cancels in the middle of his attacks that are chargeable, sweeping enemies and causing potential knockback through speeding up atomic particles to deliver kinetic impacts.
- Serpentine Cascade: Charge fires a short rapid burst of uninterrupted fist shots from PB-Railbuster in the gauntlets, damaging guarded enemies with slithering waves of fire
- Molten Collapse: Pausing in the middle of both of Elpis’ combos causes 3 follow-up attacks that attacks frontal enemies by slashing in a triangle to create an explosion. Is able to charge each of Elpis’ basic attacks.
- Neutron Compression: Compact matter by squeezing atoms tightly, releasing immense energy and releases stocked charges in a powerful burst to get past enemies and obstacles. Can cause chain reactions.
- A 3-hit that goes around an enemy at mid-range with a claw/kick combo that’s fast
- Merciful Cleaver: A leaping overhead that extends towards enemies with Gestalt during Elpis’ run, swinging across the area with atomic trails before leaning downward for an upward kick, swinging multiple weapons at once
- Radioactive Shower: Commands Quinteseeds to rapidly punch with dagger-whip spraying flames on ground, whirling around. Being able to aim upward, forward or downward. Held attack in the middle of a mid-air 5 slash combo leads to a rapid attack on the ground slamming enemies back with a wide slash sending a charged plutonium core into the ground blasting enemies below.
- Nuclear Bond: Transfers nuclear energy to whatever is linked through Gestalt’s wire from a Tango move.
- Fusion Tango: Attaches wires to 2-5 enemies causing them to slam into each other exploding
- Charge attacks makes a nexeratic enhancement permanent, using a portion of energy. Enhances blastwave attack through sending a beaming slash
- Fury Vein has a follow-up attack that’s continuous. Can cancel out to swing an enemy with Gestalt’s rod for follow-up dagger slashes that twists Elpis around
- Atomweave: Fires out multiple unstable explosions at once with a mortar merging atoms together
- Shadow Fang is chargeable, coiling Gestalt behind Elpis to slam a pillar shot toward an enemy, then performs with a palm attack from Railbuster that goes upward after bashing against the enemy’s jaw, blasting them with a plutonium orb. Works in mid-air to get past enemies.
- Sonata Embrace: Elpis’ sweeping thrust can also be done as a back-dash albeit less effective. Being able to be tapped continuously.
- Has shotgun-styled charged shots from Railbuster that damages enemies while charging, firing out an explosive anchor-drill shot that can be aimed anywhere
- Elpis’ Striking Viper is chargeable has him rotate in an arcing slash that retracts and extends rapidly, doing multiple whirling slashes with the dagger whip when launching. Before landing, another attack can be done sending a downward circular slash repelling Elpis. Uses nexeratics.
- Atomic Cut: Can use a blastwave attack for third charge mediating between both Gestalt’s drilling blade thrust and Railbuster’s’s arc spray in a cross slash stunning enemies with raising damage. Releasing a fusion orb from Railbuster. This blastwave can be altered when jumping before releasing thus releases a swirling projectile and requires a portion of the energy gauge. Can be upgraded for it to be repeatable by 3 time.
- Chernobyl Mass: Quickly charging Elpis’ sword swing during a combo allows to extend for more attacks that are charged, this can also occur after a dash but will hit multiple enemies when charging.
- Driver Tail-claw: Elpis can detach an arm off of Exonaut, sending it toward enemies like a rocket.
- Blood Frenzy: Performs 4-hit rush attacks in an air-to-ground combo or ground-to-air combo
- Nova Eruption: Spell card where Elpis claps his hands together to make an atomic orb that increases before Elpis throws it into an opponent crushing them into it. Has heavy damage
Panacea Cipher (Green): Elpis’ form of alchemical technology usage in this Cipher is nexeratic restoration, having key combinations that can reverse the state of something. Useful for restoring energy or health due to how it causes items to spawn more frequently at the cost of nexeratics. This Cipher forms jets on Exonaut and uses PB-Railbuster as a stun gun with blade attachments of Gestalt and fights with swift flows. Having a longer time in mid-air due to dashes. This Cipher focuses on health and exploiting the energy-health exchange of enemies, regaining lost stats through retaliating against enemies well to weaken them. Making it easier to access spell cards during stylish combos. Strategizes healing through different elemental reactions due to how Elpis’ health can be lost easier to stronger enemies. Emphasizes usage of spell cards in Akesis through conserving energy in stylish combos.
This Cipher emphasizes usage of nexeratics to enhance Elpis’ moves of anchor-drill for high-impact hits, enhanced wall-jumps, etc. Elpis’ moves leave trails of mist and fissures on the ground. Panacea utilizes Elpis’ bio-warping mechanic to make him step quicker to enemies for certain actions such as stabbing the gunblade’s edge into them and sending them away with a missile. Having air-dashes and anchor-drill moves that can be used in mission progression as a utility, such as turning machines within a surface causing objects to move and elevate, interacting with the environment for unique attacks, or using anchor-drills to tunnel through certain parts of a mission, enlarging and boosting Elpis towards a direction as he passes through a barricade. Anchor-drills lock onto nearby enemies upon first hit to make Elpis automatically dive in on them with a warp dash to cause recoil damage. Is very effective against weaker and smaller enemies, as Elpis is able to immobilize them with his combo set-ups to finish them off with anchor-drills thus gaining the most out of his nexeratics. It can also can retrieve out-of-reach items.
- Emphasizes Elpis’ dash combinations, sliding and overall speed. Elpis can dash multiple times with his lock-on depending on how many enemies are present, as well as charge his dashes.
- Sliding attacks are shorter roll sweeps that can be cancelled with a jump to get over enemies and throw down a projectile mid-jump or do a close-ranged attack after leaping over them. Slides steer around to leave trails damaging enemies
- Has vertical shots for PB-Railbuster that are direct. When charged shots are fired, Elpis can use the shot key again for when the shot makes contact for it to make a burst.
- Is able to hover in mid-air to use wide-reaching aerial slashes
- Sidewinder: Attacking and dashing in mid-air twice causes Elpis to spin into enemies in an anchor-drill of tailwinds for a limited time, slowly descending. Constantly attacking enemies left and right in mid-air while spinning makes Elpis elevate. Can’t work against stronger-leveled enemies and bosses will attempt to block it, causing the player to have to try a different tactic to overwhelm. Dash attacks leave trails, using nexeratics
- Striking Viper sweeps in enemies due to how he spins upward after a brief charge.
- Torrent Rush: Sprinting attack with Elpis running quick around the area, being able to slash continuously
- Held Shadow Fang sends Elpis and the enemy attacked into the air as he twirls Gestalt like a staff whether from ground-to-air or air-to-ground
- Cyclone Eater: Elpis’ aerial combo is upgraded with his repelling Miasmic Stamp, which has arcing slashes when done continuously on ground and air. Charging in the middle of a mid-air combo causes following slashes to be curved, attacking multiple targets as he spins upside-down and wreathes Gestalt in a multi-swing that traps enemies in a whirl of continuous damage. But simply holding the final slash in either combo variation causes the enemy to be slammed down.
- Revenge Bail: Can recover out of damage and grabs through jumps that cause damage, throwing out small anchor-drills
- Venomous Blast: Palm blast that pushes away enemies or moves around Elpis in a direction whether on ground or mid-air through an anchor-drill, boosting jump or dash distance. Charging it leads to Elpis doing a double blast then following it with a wave slash.
- Driver Tail-sting: Anchor-drill lock-on can detect incoming enemies or invisible items. Lock-on dashes causes Elpis to thrust into enemies multiple times in a row, with the first one absorbing damage but the damage absorption decreases with each bio-warp dash following it. Having different attacks on enemies that Elpis dashes into depending on the amount of tags, ranging from attacking backwards with 2 tags to a suplex with max tags.
- Pulsed Vein: Heavy revolving dive in mid-air letting Elpis fall to the ground at an accelerated rate by using an anchor-drill. Can be held for Elpis to bounce off an enemy.
- Anchor-drill is sent to rapidly pierce into an enemy
- Drops a drill on an enemy from above, causing drills to cover the ground. Can send enemies back down to the ground from mid-air. Lock-on shots sends an anchor-drill onto enemies when far away, shooting while backing up after a 3-slash of Gestalt.
- Sickle Curve: Downward slash sending a vertical scythe-like attack that can be done in reverse
- Invulnerable against poisonous elemental reactions through using energy meter
- Elixir: Spell card that converts health and energy pick-ups into universal items, replenishing both
- Spell card that boosts energy gained for Elpis and others. Reviving allies immediately
Podalirius Cipher (Blue): Contains the Beta-Candidate of Orion. Is formed from Qiu Niu, a life-form that likes music and are used to adorn musical instruments. This Cipher uses a tailed variation of Gestalt with PB-Railbuster. Being ranged with usage of multi-directional rapid projectiles that decelerate molecules, bending the trajectory of shots. It can send oscillating wave projectiles when charging melee by strumming at perfect timing in multitudes of directions such as a spin making a shot divide into shards of ice sent across the area. Utilizes different projectiles depending on what part of Gestalt is being used, either the swordstaff or axe-altered dagger.
- Places a charged orb on ground and mid-air after holding to damage nearby enemies
- Fires out a rubble blast on both sides, whether vertically or horizontally but is shorter in duration on mid-air
- Swiping slash that sends a destructive wave in the form of shards on both sides
- Aerial slash twists Elpis to slam onto any enemies behind him
- Throws out projectiles before an enemy attacks, granting Gestalt multi-joints in an AoE attack that can be done on ground and mid-air. Holding it makes Elpis do a rolling slam that closes the joints in and out.
- Arsenic Rain: A continuous shot on launched enemies with shots of compressed air turned venomous. Rapidly fires on enemies in mid-air.
- Downward attack has Elpis spin his legs for a swirling kick while standing on the edge of Podalirius
- Jumping and then attacking makes Elpis do a downward axe slash
- Stocks 3 shots that spread outward, travelling long distances and can be mixed with melee attacks for evasiveness or for Elpis to hold dodges to position for charged shots. When charging, Elpis creates a cluster field of projectiles around Elpis to fend off any shots from indirect enemies, being sent toward them when released.
- Slash that sends out 2 Quinteseed projectiles for ground and mid-air after charging 2 shots
- Double spread shot that spirals outward. Holding it causes a swirling cluster shot that’s flexible in where it aims, firing twice at once through increasing speed.
- Elpis is able to unload projectiles in two spinning waves when he launches enemies into a mid-air combo then descends
- Caduceus Tomahawk: Can spin the axe tip toward enemies, heavily damaging them and can be used after using a thrown lock-projectile to send a detonated storm of Railbuster projectiles to enemies nearby, splitting a projectile of Railbuster to the same amount of enemies that are locked on thus increasing the damage. Does a revolving swing from mid-air, making a strummed wave be sent in front of enemies.
- Rolls Gestalt across the ground before slamming it for a blast or vertically spins it to latch on an enemy with it’s dagger whip. Charging it causes Gestalt’s whip to bounce in a flail-like form.
- Stellar Annihilation: Rotating stream of bolts forward penetrates enemies and terrain when tagged, the Quinteseeds will home for a direct shock as a whip missile and the streams can pass through walls. Using nexeratics. Can be enhanced into firing a surface-level spiralling beam that then splits into three swirling lances homing at the target, coming from a dragonic mouth firing 3 atomic balls that then emit drill beams that shield Elpis
- Mid-air slash makes Elpis spin down into the ground, stabbing the edge of gunbladed Gestalt for a short blast to enemies near or dealing heavy damage to the enemy he landed on. This spin can deflect projectiles.
- Ammunition Hive: Mid-air shot with Elpis sending whip missiles in a downward parabola and pushes Elpis to potentially get him into high ground.
- Gamma Lense: A charge that sends beams that reach outward, hitting all enemies near Elpis with a poisonous blast
- Driver Tail-swarm: Sends a long-ranged multi-hit combo with crafted Quinteseed formations. Quinteseeds form in different shapes for melee attacks, such as surrounding singular enemies pushing them back with automatic attacks unless parried.
Machaon Cipher (Yellow): Has potions as PB-Railbuster’s projectiles that can be charged at the right time to boost Elpis’ reach with rubbled bursts. Has attacks and projectiles that run along surfaces and can be held but has lower damage. Uses yellow nexeratics to draw out of enemies for more energy to combine usage of other nexeratics. Elpis’ form of alchemical technology usage in this Cipher is crafting, enhancing the shape of Exonaut through releasing a deconstructing attack that will affect the environment in sync with the armor. Such as various interactable stage pieces, or handling nexeratic mixtures. Picking up items causes them to divide into lesser items of certain nexeratics. Items with matching nexeratics can be crafted into an enhancement. Health pick-ups are more Copi points used to craft supercraft weapon enhancements. Is limited in passive items, needing to sacrifice them in exchange of newer ones picked up. Interacts with the environment for resources.
- Has a 5-hit held combo that’s heavy with swings from Gestalt’s rod. Turns Elpis’ first slash into a uppercut slash that will dodge an incoming enemy
- Heavy attacks after a basic combo that has knockback as combo finishers, reaching further range when done continuously and stuns multiple enemies upon getting caught in whether on ground or mid-air. Charging it causes Elpis to stab downward and pull back up to send an enemy away.
- Pythia Serenade: Calls out a construct to lash at enemies from the ground, walls or above
- Earthbound Scorcher: Cleaving slash that hits enemies with the dagger then locks them down with Gestalt’s rod, swiping along the ground
- Uses bowl potions to seek out items, not being affected by terrain or obstacles
- Harmonic Razor: In the middle of Elpis’ combo, he swings around with Gestalt’s rod splitting it from the dagger whip before twisting for a cross slash while he zips across the area. Can be done during dashes/dodges.
- Ringtails: Gestalt extends 2-3 whips outward in twirling slashes that go from side to side
- Reconstructing Touch: Rearranges the atomic structure of an obstacle or item to form a weapon, utility, etc. Can merge different items or spell cards together to create new items with enhanced properties, or altered elements.
- Duplicating Touch: Duplicates nexeratics, items or spell cards to stock them
- Particle Dispersal: Breaks down enemies or items to an atomic level with a finisher, causing them to disintegrate into item pick-ups or cards. Is able to disrupt enemies or items that are connected to each other due to Fusion Tango, creating a fission reaction based on what category they are and creates blasts of destructive force.
- Morningstar Braid: 2 flail-like swinging tendril spin attacks swiping enemies extending reach that can have the last attack modified. This swinging spin attack is somewhat defensive against projectiles and has a follow-up swirling multi-slam with Gestalt that works for extension before exploding with cursed trails. This can be held for a whipping slash upward or downward with Gestalt that fits into any combo, using double inputs makes it extend.
- Gaia Crush: Spell card where Elpis performs a series of Gestalt slashes followed with multi-directional shots from PB-Railbuster before holding his weapons in unison upward before slamming them downward for a devastating blastwave
- Crossed Paths: Turns Gestalt from left to right rapidly then activates the dagger to close in two flails inward and crush enemies
- Rave Nerve: Can hold attack while running and release to do a spinning flail slash while rushing, allowing to destroy any obstacles in the way while boosting speed
- Force Reflect: Places interconnected fields that will redirect the next attack or projectile to the destination, whether on ground or mid-air. Placing these on the ground sets up traps.
- Shatter: Flipping attack with a whirling slam on ground that can be held to increase the duration
- Creates gorgon constructs of neutron/plasma energy
- Sinking Blossom: Creates a sinkhole on the ground dissolving enemies caught inside, slowing them down. Multiple sinkholes can be connected with tectonic paths to cause area denial. They can be detonated to cause crystal waves of spikes to protrude with vibrations that destabilizes structures around Elpis.
- Sends shots that crawl along surfaces after splitting when they hit a surface
- 3-hit combo that ends with a downward spinning slash lasting longer for mid-air
- Reactive Whiplash: Whips down a blast then slams downward to create a AoE causing pillars to erupt from the blast. Pillars will then fall from above
- Creates a construct that does continuous damage on enemies
- Mixes nexeratics via attacks and works well with Ex Arms for potion mixtures
- Able to use two extra spell cards in special techniques
Iaso Cipher (Red): Has messy attacks but is able to keep pressure on enemy defenses through positioning and debuffs thus will get stronger when chaining enemies properly. Requires long and risky preparation for devastating attacks that could potentially be 1-hit kills through critical effects that improves the flow of combat when executed. Emphasizes full use of multiple weapons in sync with each other. Elpis’ movement can use a camouflage move to temporary conceal himself whether when dodging, dashing or jumping to perform heavily damaging attacks on enemies through stealth. Utilizes vial/dart knives that explode.
- A 5-hit combo of Elpis using Gestalt’s dagger, flipping around and performing leg kicks while slashing around with agility. The first hit is able to trip enemies.
- Explodes dart knives to spray out venomous mercury. Throwing multiple of the same dart at once causes a larger burst by connecting them. But using Ciphers to shift the dart causes a chain reaction in shaped formations to modify pieces of an area. Will cause marked enemies to be blasted with mercury, infesting them from the inside.
- Devourer’s Festival: Positions dart lances in front, then turns to position them behind as well. Can position upward to hit aerial enemies, but will position downward when done in mid-air.
- Splitter Crescendo: Throws out 3 dart knives in a wide arc whether on ground or air while doing a wild slash, and can lock-on to throw them rapidly but is focused on enemies only. Dart knives will split into 5 mercurial shots that expand into orb bundles when hitting a surface. These can be used to thrust dart lances, causing spore bags to grow on enemies.
- Hunter’s Enmity: Rolls toward an enemy with a quick rushing dart lance. Can sweep in dart knives before the roll to close in on the enemy from both sides, bouncing off them when blocked but will stun them when hit and make them vulnerable to follow-ups.
- Pestilent Bount: Can inject non-boss enemies with a device that causes them to attack their own allies temporarily, and any health/energy lost from those enemies can either be given to Elpis or allies with nexeratics.
- Can spawn Chiron Strata to ride as a vehicle any time, using nexeratics.
- Circles around the enemy with Chiron Strata, causing ring trails to close in on them
- Rams Chiron Strata into an enemy. Holding it causes multi-hits on ground and mid-air.
- Saws into an enemy with Chiron Strata
- Spell card that activates a stun flash that hits enemies around Elpis at the cost of energy, causing them to stop moving while they’re blinded. Is able to blind enemies with counters or charged weapon throws to get out of danger and set up strategic maneuvers
- Driver Tail-leaper: Is able to perch on points such as enemies or cliffs and hold on walls/roofs to prepare takedowns, sending out a snakehead from Gestalt to hit enemies when attacking. Stomps on downed enemies when on ground, drops on enemies for a neck-snapping attack when in mid-air. Causes a multi-piledriver when grabbing enemies. Can affect enemies differently when they’re nearly dead, utilizing them as nexeratic enhancements through extracting parts of them or altering them for different benefits with a short minigame.
- Can attack while dashing to push enemies further
Hygeia Cipher (Purple): Hygeia is a strategic Cipher that increases crowd control, having counterattacks and ambushes through a karma meter for every amount of damage negated from an enemy that Elpis holds as he sits still after a combo to extend attacks. Even transferring damage into energy-based moves, but will be limited in usage. This Cipher uses a taunt stance which can tag enemies caught in it through attacking while Elpis holds his damage and once they’re tagged, it allows Elpis to bind them. Mixing his nexeratics with theirs in his karma meter. Taunts are ideal due to this Cipher it’s deceptive in movement. Utilizes a shell-like gunblade bow-shield augmentation of Railbuster and Bulwark in the style of a scaled ballista. Through gaining more karma, Elpis is able to keep dominance on an area with more moves being added, working well on Cipher switches to consistently keep enemies juggled.
Uses an assymetrical permeable shield charged from an organ in Exonaut, doubling Elpis’ defense and can absorb attacks when attack based on the rhythm of an opponent’s movement. The shield is formed with the more perfect parries surging more atoms to the organ to absorb more attacks doing small damage by contact until the shield has enough atoms to become a spinning shield shredding enemies, pushing them away with harder impact upon rushing into them, or can be used to ricochet the shield into a rolling motion in an orbit. Parries under the shield gives Elpis a short amount of health and energy. Elpis is immune to sharp materials with this Cipher and can perform a recoil dash staggering enemies by contact. Is able to disarm enemy weapons and use it as pickups.
- Diamondback Rattlesnake: Parries are replaced with a Gestalt-spinning shield move, deflecting projectiles and damaging enemies that come near it. Counterattacks use Bulwark and can be charged for more bouncing range, detonating it as a projectile. Manipulates electric arc of shield launch via Quinteseeds. Being able to charge during dodges or dashes and chain together kills during a counterattack. Sends out electric shocks in melee attacks after absorbing projectiles while parrying. Can use multiple counters, each which automatically switch depending on the situation. Purple nexeratics can make Bulwark have a secondary durable layer. Allowing it to unleash a small energy burst minimalizing the defense. This burst is the ejected aelophis of a reborn enemy molded as part of Bulwark and can be strengthened with more matching purple nexeratics, causing a recoil which can affect mobility.
- When hit, Elpis launches himself into an enemy to deliver a powerful close-range attack with a mid-ranged shot then chargeable shoulder bash. Can ride Bulwark to surf across enemies
- Quark Dissonace: Discharges a surge that’s wide, causing enemies that touch it to be damaged automatically and creates an electric field that turns Elpis’ slashes into rift-like atom cuts. Enemies will feel lighter.
- Tether Constriction: Electric field uses gravity on enemies
- Static Bash: Shield dive from mid-air that causes an explosion of mercury tendrils shocking enemies
- Scutum Buckler: Rush combo with lightning-infused attacks on Gestalt’s sections before ending with an overhead AoE slash. Purple and red nexeratics allows to throw a cube-altered Quinteseed from Bulwark energy bursting in a shot while engaging in a high-speed dash
- Swaying Rupture: Hits in all directions with a charged Bulwark strike of lightning that fissures the ground
- Mesmerizing Dischord: A taunt on knocked down enemies that transfers damage if an enemy attacks during it. Can turn enemies docile.
- Elpis grabs an enemy to use them as an electrified shield, and he can also grab them while downed. Afterward, he throws them into multiple enemies. This can be used after Alberich Saucer for Elpis to leap above with Bulwark and slam down with electric domes.
- Zanber Galient: Spell card where Elpis calls out lightning on Gestalt before sending it out in a split wave of lightning, shocking enemis to push them back before sending currents upward.
- Ionizing Shift: Continuous slash that cancels out guards, with Elpis using an electric-coated dagger from Gestalt
- Silver Flash: One-hit finisher on enemies that are frightened or provoked through a taunt, but has short range.
- Nibelung Rot: Charged dagger lunge that serves as a counterattack grab to enemies coming toward Elpis, causing them to be infected with his curse and buffs subsequent charged attacks
- Siren Tango: Sets up a grenaded decoy that self-destructs on enemies that come to it, allowing Elpis to do an electric attack infused with mercury afterward
- Slither Reversal: Elpis immediately recovers when an enemy attacks or tries to grab him, having a potential electric counterattack that leaves them open for finishers
- Thunderous Aspis: Spins Quinteseeds around Elpis, firing out beams at enemies while shielding him in 3 formations. Beams can be used to propel himself forward by aiming backwards to boost mobility.
- Nano-scale Firmament: Creates a dome that damages enemies who contact it, serving as a safe-zone for Elpis deflecting the attacks of enemies. Disrupting their weapons’ atomic structure thus rendering enemy attacks to be weaker. This can also create a wall platform with Bulwark that catches in enemies, restricting them while Elpis can platform over them and collapse the walls.
- Stormcaller’s Gambit: Downward kick slam with Bulwark with a Gestalt-attached snake digging into the ground before Elpis does an upward hook, sending out a crystal tremor of electric shockwaves
- Ethereal Blink: Can hold dodges for quick evading attacks, getting around enemies easier with a follow-up from any Cipher after he retracts Gestalt onto them for distance. Elpis’ dashes are cancellable, with him scurrying about wildly leaving mist trails. During his dodge slash, he has an evasive combo that’s held. Back-dash attacks makes Elpis do a flipping shot.
- Constriction Crush: Causes Elpis to wrap around enemies with Gestalt’s tendril-like wires restricting them and works for combo finishers on ground and mid-air. Gives follow-up attacks for snatches
- Freed Thrasher: Elpis can stop his dash with a grab, pulling enemies with his tendrils and swinging them over him in mid-air as a smash down
- Purged Sin: Bola-like throw with high-tensile wires covered in liquid streams to wrap around enemies when thrown, affecting their attacks temporarily unless parried or is a boss. These can also be placed down on areas and will cause any throws, explosions or charged attacks to send electrified floods of mercury. Marked enemies will be purged if they’re on low health, cleansing harmful isotopes.
- Grabs enemies to pummel them up close or throw them into others. Can grab enemies from mid-air and slam them down
- Elpis puts Gestalt by his back for a counter-offensive strike to enemies behind him
- Has only 2 mid-air hits before slamming downward with a heavy blast from Railbuster/Bulwark
- Crimson Prism and Thunderbolt Fission: Elpis absorbs the shot into his shield and fire it back as an atomic ball emitting an anchor-drill pulse. He can also convert absorbed projectiles into health, energy or an item. PB-Railbuster has less range in Hygeia as a cannon of high diffusion working for ground and mid-air with shots simply bursting upon contact, leaving a short mist that will induce an elemental reaction on enemies that touch it. Nexeratics allows Elpis to blast an energy burst in the form of a beam with big range, reshaping Railbuster into a dragonic maw. Triggers fission reactions to create waves of destructive force.
- Sonic Wail: Can cause shockwave bursts as projectiles through detonating after attacks, causing claps with Bulwark that sweeps with extensive whirls
- Skin-shed: A cancellable attack that could either serve as a follow-up to dodging, parrying or another attack to deceive enemies with a quicksilver afterimage
- Geomagnetic Stinger: Elpis sends out electrified lances, slicing enemies caught inside
- Tectonic Sunder: Throws Bulwark in an enhanced arc as a forcefield before returning to Elpis. The arc can be formed by throwing out connected knives before throwing, or can chain across enemies that are marked by Elpis. Enhances shield-bash with a recoil that can be used to push against heavy objects. Recoil has defensive properties allowing Elpis to safely collide with and bounce away from hazards, having a cooldown consuming energy when used. When used against enemies, Elpis recoils and backflips with a kick.
- Alberich Saucer: Causes Bulwark to bounce back and forth from enemies and platforms through parries or dodges as a sonic disc, increasing the damage and stun with each bounce that restrains enemies with Elpis’ cloth to not attack or move while multi-projectiles are sent.
Aceso/Akesis Cipher (Violet/Teal): This Cipher utilizes held elemental Quinteseed attacks that can work for combo extension and set up huge damage. Has attacks that pass through enemies with consistent damage. Alters liquid and gas-related elements. Elpis’ form of alchemical technology usage in this Cipher is freezing, solidifying various substances through it’s waves for either platforming or stagnating both attacks and enemies.
- Ripple Chain: Elpis can perform a swift slash hitting back and forth to enemies far away from him or close to him based on input but has slower recovery. Charging it causes a burst of twisting cuts as Elpis uses wires off of Gestalt to atomically dash across enemies, slashing an enemy when his radar lights up through his lock-on
- Polluted: Leaves behind a gaseous swarm, intoxicating enemies caught in
- Prima Tide: Fires at the ground to create a frozen zone, sending waves of mercury at enemies that sweep them and weaken defenses. Sending 2 of them then charging causes a large geyser. Grapple points above can be pulled and chained to this attack to drop freezing mists from above.
- Focusing energy in special attacks grants a mid-increased speed
- Can “freeze” enemies or projectiles as platforms via using energy
Aegle/Aglaea Cipher (Black): Elpis’ default Cipher that’s balanced and focuses on sword/spears, charged propulsions, emphasizing maximization of melee power. With it’s downside being that it carries Elpis’ moderate damage in exchange for highlighting enemy weakpoints. Affects charged shots with roaring waves that amplify attacks. When using Aegle, Elpis drags his Gestalt, potentially wielding an Ex Arm in unison and allows synergy of Gestalt and PB-Railbuster together, turning the projectiles of Railbuster into anchor-drills in the form of lazarus waves while Gestalt pressures enemies. Applies mercurial poison to Elpis’ attacks, and will increase both Elpis’ health and points with how many kills he’s gaining through using poisonous attacks.
- Black nexeratics causes PB-Railbuster to fire miniature nexeratics. Limited to 10 at a time.
- Gestalt can be held in cross slashes to do constant damage at first by twisting against an enemy. But when actually performing the 3-slash combo and holding the last slash, the damage raises.
- Mercurial: A stance that cause stun by adjusting angle and direction of attacks for easy aim, using Elpis’ health to cause enemies to become staggered in rapid damage temporarily with trails of mercury. Attacks will be imbued with a charged effect with liquid mercury coating Gestalt, and chaining a different amount of charges after 2, 3, 4, or 5 attacks causes atomic reactions.
- Finisher follow-up for enemies that are grabbed by Elpis or downed
- Spiral Pierce: Turns 3-slash combo into cyclical kicks with Gestalt being held via Elpis’ leg, ending with a butterfly kick twisting Gestalt’s blade over to slam onto opponents. Charging the last hit makes Elpis spin while holding onto Gestalt, continuously jabbing at enemies near it before performing a butterfly kick.
- Forbidden Knowledge: Elpis drags his sword before a snake materializes off of Gestalt, biting at enemies as it hits from side to side bashing his staff then pauses for a charged slash
- Cetus’ Maw: Latches onto enemies to drain 1.2% of their health passing each second to regenerate his energy until they have no more, killing them unless they’re hit again while latched if the player doesn’t need the health or is already full.
- Vaporizing Shroud: Spell card that grants Elpis a temporary cloak for stealth finishers, poisoning those caught in the cloak to restrain them for finishers. This can mark enemies hit by the cloak for them to flinch easier and makes attacks add up automatically through extensions, cancels and finishers. As well as adding an enhancement to other Ciphers such as making Telesphorus attacks explode, Podalirius attacks cause multi-hits, Hygeia attacks drag in enemies from anywhere when charging, etc.
- Madnesss Song: Emits a soundwave from a device, dealing radial damage to break down enemy formations. Can be used in taunts to affect enemies’ points dropped.
- Ophidian: Pushes enemies away with Gestalt’s rod whether on ground or air, unleashing a powerful burst of tendrils for knockback against enemies
- Plants down Gestalt, allowing for attacks from other Ciphers before Elpis picks it up again
- Nucleic Catalyst: Can fire a charged shot from Elpis’ arc reactor that’s multi-hitting for a short time. Cancels out charged attacks with ranged-melee attacks that splits into multiple slashes of radioactive decay, such as splitting projectiles into multiple orbs that explode.
- Cursed Rancor: Spell card where Elpis dashes up to enemies with a perfectly-timed sword swing that does a high damage combo of all ground attacks before swiftly slashing horizontally, spreading out rotting mercury ftom his body in the form of a yelling dragon.
Aratus Cipher (Grey – Enigma Trigger/Ultimatrigger): A supermode transformation for Elpis known as Enigma Trigger, a technological transformation in which Elpis stops suppressing his bodily stress within the Exonaut, shedding Exonaut’s skin layering as Nachash/Astaroth takes control through a symbiotic bond. Releasing the armor out via Aratus linking to all Ciphers where it has an abnormal form and has a constantly flashing armor frame as the cellular slots begin injections. These injections are based on a replicated ichor within Elpis’ pendant in link to Ritsueto’s Etherium Vaesir that parallels the Aether. Using a hollow subconscious altering his Ciphers’ capabilities in a berserk stage that unleashes Elpis’ inner potential. Mainly uses tendrils via synchronization of the pod-cocoon’s Quinteseeds to perform Elpis’ nexeratic attacks without restraint, treating the Quinteseeds. Using Enigma Trigger is like a living time-bomb indicated by Exonaut’s helmet stripes before an atomic burst happens within Aratus due to the amount of energy emitted from it, draining his health slowly when it’s used if he slows down during combo streaks. Exonaut applies stress to the body when being worn, especially within the spaces of the Underworld and thus has affected some of Elpis’ hair. The amount of stress it applies on Elpis’ body in exchange for energy generation is linked to his mental state. As Quinteseeds will drain his health if it it not actively being used, and will expand more baesd on the amount of enemies in the area.
- Quinteseeds move in commanded directions on enemies that are tagged for them
- Quinteseeds guide the attacks of Aratus Cipher via an atomic input from taser-like horn devices on Exonaut but sending all Quinteseeds on one enemy will deal continous damage via a stream of energy absorbing their energy
- Spell cards attained by continuous killings of enemies with infections from improperly placed synergies, being able to alter the error used that have different effects
- Elpis harvests energy from objects and defeated enemies with each burst energy pickup fulfilling each gauge of the Enigma Trigger’s burst energy gauge displayed under health and when it is full, he gets a single burst energy charge for each gauge symbol when they are with an indicative color when held (If holding all then releasing, he has an Enigma Trigger aura burst of a screaming soul) and each can be used to unleash powerful attacks when releasing one of the charges and holding a direction or not will influence what Enigma Technique he performs, with the result depending on his currently equipped ones.
- Combines usage of Gestalt, Bulwark and Railbuster in improvised melee that can mediate well in range through usage of tendril attacks and having fang protrusions on Gestalt.
- Attacks are instantly charged and will reach higher charge levels when more health is lost
- Health becomes layered with Quinteseed super-armor, gaining attributes from all Ciphers when default. Has no knockback from weaknesses. Tendrils used in medical mold-seals on blood vessels, slowing blood loss, unable to be used on Elpis himself. Can regenerate a quarter of health with normal health pick-ups being a health battery within the gauge. Generating it quick and deposits pieces of Elpis’ health when attacking enemies with Finishers. When losing health, a reptillian organism that Astaroth imitates (Nachash) generates on the edge of Exonaut in a bloody trail and is linked to the remaining portions of Elpis’ health targetting enemies of similar element to the one that damaged Elpis for their health. It will alter when picking up the health of an enemy depending on what element they are, changing up Elpis’ health stats and reactions to improvise his attacks avoiding damage and spawning sets of Quinteseed blades as snake tendrils. Potentially recovering health for Elpis if he can restructure an enemy that his reptillian senses into an improvised element. Nachash will enter a slime-like state on low health.
- The downside to Elpis’ Enigma Trigger is that he has a mild seizure after using it
- Calculates symbiotic bursts of tendrils to push enemies back ejecting them away at the cost of health, detaching gained health as miniature semifluid mutants controlled by Elpis as an infection horde.
- PB-Railbuster is able to rapidly attack and Ex Arms are enhanced in main weapon usage temporarily
– Trivia –
Gestalt Calibur was originally named “Bane of Destruction”, but this became the name of Perseus’ Harpe.
Elpis was going to have a string-related ability to reference the idea of Spaghettification to work well against Ritsueto
Nachash being bound to the spine of Exonaut is a reference to the Kundalini
Elpis was formerly going to be a Devil Hunter that assisted Lin, being equipped with a rocket arm and an AWP rifle. Being linked to an entity who calms him down named as Stardust, which served as his Ultimatrigger and allowed him to fuse with others. Stardust would’ve been linked to a “Stardust Head” from a Cerberus. This form was expanded upon as a separate consciousness from Alean that acts more calm and rational than him.
Elpis was originally going to be the leader of the Tannin Jaegers. This was changed for Lyra to be in the position for a more dynamic direction.
Elpis and Ritsueto share many thematic parallels with each other:
- Elpis, with his black attire and focus on truth and self-perception, represents a quest for purity and understanding. His synesthetic perception of colors ties him to his past, emotions, and aspirations for spiritual awareness. On the other hand, Ritsueto’s white attire and emphasis on stability and adaptation showcase a commitment to collectivism and strength amid challenges.
- Elpis’ stoic demeanor and obsession with uncovering the truth reflect his struggle with emotional complexity, happiness, and mutation. In contrast, Ritsueto’s charismatic yet passive-aggressive nature, rooted in his heritage and innate abilities, demonstrates his adaptability and fearlessness. Both characters exhibit loyalty towards those they care for, integrating personal relationships into their overarching goals and identities.
- The snake-themed twisting, bending, and rotating nature of Elpis’ design contrasts with Ritsueto’s fish-themed movement akin to flowing water, suggesting two distinctive approaches to maneuvering and adapting to challenges. Both fish and snakes occupy different environments within the ecosystem. Fish are primarily aquatic creatures, thriving in water bodies like rivers, lakes, and oceans. On the other hand, snakes are terrestrial and can be found in various habitats such as forests, grasslands, deserts, and swamps. Fish and snakes have distinct physical characteristics. Fish have sleek, streamlined bodies designed for efficient movement in water, equipped with fins and scales. Snakes, on the other hand, have elongated bodies, scales, and venomous fangs in some species, facilitating their survival on land. Fish are agile swimmers that can move swiftly and change direction rapidly in water. Contrastingly, snakes are known for their slithering motion on land, utilizing their muscle contractions to move smoothly across various terrains. Fish represent emotions and adaptability while snakes represent cunning and flexibility.
- Elpis and Ritsueto possess unique abilities that shape their approaches to conflict and self-discovery. Elpis wields the power of synesthetic perception and bio-warping through the Exonaut, utilizing surgical precision and atomic energy control in pursuit of healing and transmutation. Ritsueto, as a Black Obyrith, commands bio-mechanical protoplasms imbued with dark energy, showcasing mastery over matter creation, distortion, and energy absorption for offensive and defensive purposes.
- While Elpis embodies logic, courage, and self-improvement through understanding and purifying impurities, Ritsueto represents adaptability, strength, and a strive for stability and dominance. Their contrasting ideals and abilities provide a rich narrative tapestry that explores themes of truth-seeking, control, balance, and personal growth amidst adversity.
- Elpis’ Gestalt being able to be activated through a harp handle constrasts with how Drazenith’s hilt can simply be used like a flute
Various sound cues such as a hidden path or damaged terrain being hinted at causes Elpis to spark a certain color
Elpis, Ritsueto, and other player characters have poses when completing a mission
Elpis originally was going to be able to perform executions on weakened enemies and slash when moving. This was passed to Ritsueto instead. There are more mechanics scrapped from Elpis’ Ciphers such as:
- Ciphers originally being called Spectrum Modshifts
- Ciphers having a unique form of health signified by different scar locations on Elpis’ body. These scar locations would’ve been a reference to Dragon Marked for Death‘s Dragonblood characters.
- Panacea was originally going to be able to camouflage underwater. It was also going to have a gliding hover and hook-like scythe attachments but the latter was changed for Aegle while the former was removed for balancing.
- Podalirius was going to have a health regen
- Machaon was originally going to be able to alter trajectory of shots and use a portal interface to explain how it warps
- Iaso was going to have a move that combusts with an emerged smoke that’s in the form of a screaming soul. Was a potential move accessed when gaining high combos but was changed due to feeling more appropriate for Aegle.
- Hygeia was originally going to be a counter-based Cipher like Telesphorus as well but using afterimages
- Aceso was originally going to have a mechanic of if Elpis happens to die with a full gauge activated pre-death, he will immediately respawn as Astaroth using Akesis and he’s put on a time limit to resurrect Elpis by collecting souls needed to rebuild a Rosa Cross tomb of him before turning into a Nosoimones if the time limit is met, forcing a reset of the mission if failing to do so.
- Akesis was originally going to have a mechanic in which it detaches Quinteseeds from Elpis to be set in different locations at the cost of having less defense.
- Akesis was going to have a dragging field pulling enemies toward Elpis when fully depowered down, manipulating phantasmic rapiers of rays to fire at enemies when aiming quickly.
- Enigmatic Telesphorus was going to have a crystallized Elpis being picked up by Exonaut to attack enemies but must be protected from not taking damage due to an increase in vulnerability. An idea inspired by Tainted Forgotten from The Binding of Isaac, similarly to how Enigmatic Akesis has traits from Tainted Jacob
- Chao Feng was originally going to be in Aratus Cipher while Ba Xia was going to be in Panacea Cipher. This was changed for a more thematic fit.
- Enigmatic Machaon was originally going to have Enigmatic Hygeia’s ability. This was also changed for a thematic fit
- While not a scrapped mechanic for Elpis, Ritsueto originally was going to have a harder time parrying with his melee.
Elpis’ scarf is threaded with wing strands
The second name of Elpis’ armor, “Alean” comes from the name of an old scrapped protagonist for BioMassCore whose premise would be having a bodily armor through infusing with an alien meant to protect Earth.
In his redesign from Alean, Elpis was going to be a nameless assassin simply referred to as the Historical Warrior. This was until the idea of Ophiuchuses were conceptualized.
Elpis’ skill is meant to be based on the idea of a weak but smart rejuvenating powerless Armiger
Elpis’ Ciphers are named after the children of Asclepius. Most of which were female, save for Podalirius and Machaon.
Exonaut’s current design is intended to reference various aspects of greek clothing around the torso.
Exonaut helping Elpis’ respiratory system and stabilizing with the air around him is based on how the god Aether rules the upper sky and how Aether is considered to be the essence breathed by gods.
Each Cipher’s form is based on the Nine Sons of The Dragon
The molded scars on Elpis’ chest are meant to be resembling of the Serpens constellation. This is a reference to Fist of the North Star’s Kenshiro.
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