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Astrables were a spiritual race of formed magical constellation subjects taken under the care of the Nebulous Sential factions, forming their own religious faction known as the Lux Order of Providence. They were one of the first sub-races of Fermials, divine alien races with electromagnetic streams in their body. Their purpose were to be serving as virtuous templar pseudo-demigods born by multiple collections of dying asterisps that repaired themselves by uniting their stardust to form into cosmic bodies emulating mystical beings through historical relics. They utilize conquest to be the strongest, having a strong desire for advancement. Not much about them is known other than how they’ve influenced other factions after the Genesis War. But they are said to act akin to reapers for society. Having long life-spans that could last until the end of worlds.

The sequence of asterisps linking themselves together with strong bonds is known as “Stellar-netting”, forming mana-infused cells of stardust smelted together which enabled Astrables to use their abilities in the form of geometric patterns with mana-inducement of their own starlight reactor cores made from pendants of magical curses as a central spark from their fused asterisps. These cores are utilized in the manifestation and usage of Lux Espadas, drawing stardust into their binding lynchpin keys(Modeled from prototypes of the first ones, Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi and Logos) to tap into the power of angelic realms for bolstering spiritual defenses along with locating portals to unravel for dimensional travel into crusades across other worlds. The level of power for the mana depends on the type of asterisps used in the Astrable.

The Hydra serves as the oldest Astrable, being the very first and most powerful of them all. Some Astrables, such as Hydra re-built hosting guardian angels as their virtue through a soul contract known as a Quillpledge. Creation of Astrables commonly involve being sent into the Miraculous Wavesong by a Fermial. Astrables live in castle-like star stations organized as secret pantheon-like “Familiy” syndicates to help align galactic skies as holy crusaders and inquisitors under different philosophies linked to the elements. They guide spirits into ascension and purify galaxies of their mischievous acts on the day of judgement, often devoted to the study and practice of occult, metaphysics and paranormal activities with Zodiacs. When engaging into dimensional crusades, they show no mercy to those that are heretics or carry sin, showing genocide to them in their means to purify society.

The Astrables are capable of fusing into one another to infuse new genetics that creates a new flow of aelophis energy inside of them for channeling abilities. This is due to some Astrables being built with multiple components with others that allow their starlight mana to synchronize genetically with paired Astrables. The Zodiacs serve as their representative syndicate, following an authority of ascending hope, faith in vengeance and salvation with divine love. If Astrables were to disrespect their superior, they would be punished by being sacrificed to the Cetus. The Astrables also believe in judging a child’s potential by feeding them to the Cetus and observing if the child is able to escape from the mouth and survive or die quickly.

– Southern Asterisms –


– Obsoletes –

The Obsoletes a group of many Astrables that were considered too unstable to live on their own and therefore were used as augments in multiple varying ways. Whether they’d be used as an input of a proxy, a non-sentient weapon, the source of another Astrable’s power, remodeled with an upgraded counterpart or simply an enhancement. Some Obsoletes manage to take full control of whatever they’re augmented to for full advantage of bending their quintessons from their host to gain their own freedom. While some others may have to be exterminated for the factors of their body to be used as augments without any rebellious issues from the Obsolete by transferring their energy force into a body with their parts.

– Shijin Guardians –

The Shijin Guardians are a group of 4 chimeric yokai-emulating spectral Astrables that reach closely to the Astral Plane and were the first group of Astrables to be capable of using mana and reaching into the minds, as they were formed by the division of the Qilin across sectors of space by the Jade Emperor, one of the past Heavenly Emperors of Astrables. These Astrables were the only ones able to evolve by ascension from their old bodies into new ones, prolonging their existence by absorbing other Astrables. They are highly worshipped as a different paths to guide towards the Afterlife by the directional part of the world they watch over. These Astrables were partnered with the four heavenly emperors as their spiritually-attached companion and humanoid half. Genbu previously was the Testudo Linggui Obsolete, Byakko was the Tiger Zodiac and Suzaku was the Phoenix of Colomorpheus. They use Zodiac-like lunar mansions as ancient civilizations of primaldian ruins worshipping and reflecting the Moon onto spiritual forces. These mansions have glowing glyph-like writing of the Bansenshūkai as vague hints and have a leyline-connected sentient bio-computers of the Nexus fusing Astrables and mass-producing duplicates. The mansions of Genbu have a demonic presence, as Xuan Wu, its heavenly emperor was attempting to achieve a divine body by digging out and washing his organs with rivers of life-stream essence in the carcass of Cetus within a planade core, but from over-exposure turned the organs into demons inhabiting the lunar mansions before he went to conquer them, as the demons would collectively fuse in formation of Genbu.

– Spiral Lords –


– Heavenly Guardians of Yakumo –


  • Quillpledges and Lux Espadas – Lux Espadas are an enshrined form of Bio-Armed Metagallions that are key-shaped heavenly blades that seals dimensional cracks or tunnels (Concentrated electromagnetic spatial masses that have hyper ripples circling into tunnels or glitch into a dimensional crack from hyperspace) and manipulate sectors of life-stream known as dragon veins to bolster spiritual defenses by containing biological hazards via regulation with their lynchpin-like functions with asterisp-smelted quintesson metals, wrapped in glyphed chains of a maiden. They are the main weapon of Astrables, and sometimes come molded in different shapes with sunlight-absorbing materials. Lux Espadas suppress abilities of the Astrable with esoteric technology of a spiritual stone within them, releasing with an unlock signal and fusing the user with the blade via an exacosm-inducing container. These spiritual stones are molded in the seeded form of Quillpledges and project the hardened light coating of the Lux Espada’s blade, the Arcane Drive of Lux Espadas that contains the spirit of a guardian angel assigned within an Astrable during birth. The Quillpledges’ angel feathers came from dreamcatching ritual batons from altars that used it against the young to seal their will of freedom, authorizing their dreams with asterisps as the child’s minds become corrupt with guilt derived from thoughts of diasppointing their parents and peers. Some Lux Espadas are carried on by Arthurian Knights or other kingdoms such as China in the new world post-Big Bang due to the swords being forged within Lux Espadas. Otherwise Lux Espada tech is put into relics such as the Staff of Moses. Their sub-dimensional shrines are a sealed spirit world that has formed up gardens of life-stream via the aura of the Lux Espada, sealing into the planade core of the planet central to that dimension’s gateway.
  • When unsealed, Lux Espadas can charge up with concentration of spiritual aura around them, causing the tip of the blade to be imbued with aelophis and releasing it into a distortional dimension-slicing wave that disintegrates their target into salt-like particles. This is due to chakra being synchronized into the Lux Espadas via the rune-glyphed chained lynchpins containing an Aborted/Drowned hollow mutant of an abnormal dragon vein within them that fuses with the user, empowering them after transformation which involves spatial tearing with a void-like dragon hole’s universal downpour of life-streams. The first Lux Espada was made from the Logos (Word of God) that came into creation as a perception construct, descending as a dividing sword from a ray of light striking the Prima Materia during the time of “Let There be Light” separating themselves yet being attracted like iron fillings to the Logos and their proper place. The sword was hardened and forged with the ray of light making Order with the helmet of salvation as the title of Jesus. Those that attempt to wield Lux Espadas without having the exacosm that it seals will be greatly harmed by the blade’s coding.

– Shining Zodiacs of The Golden Dawn –

The Zodiacs are a group of 13 horoscopic divine Astrables that archive times of astronomical history and align the Sun’s movement and orbit for life to be spread, serving a function vital to the functions of the universe thus last infinitely. They, along with the Heavenly Guardians and the Secret Chiefs protect the Lumen Overseer, the head of the Golden Dawn whom was first in communication with the Secret Chiefs and is said to be in-touch with the gods with the atom circle, declaring Orders of the Golden Dawn. They also serve as royal guards to gods of the Sun in charge of governing the orbital movement of celestial bodies, manipulating the passing seasons and arranging stars and the Moon. Each of them are given enthroned bhava-houses that are placed in different zones of space-time depended on for rotational movement of planets’ axis, using beams of their Lux Espadas as metaphysical girders crossing with each other in the form of leylines to support the towering Sephira Tree of Life at the center of existence. The bhava-houses are divisions of the celestial equator and the Sun’s ecliptic plane, holding star-gated bridges connecting them.

They strictly do not associate with any other factions to keep themselves safe. This especially is known fact to the Spiral Lords, as not only did Sagittarius retire from the Zodiacs to them. But also Scorpius injured Orion in the past as an assassination contracted by Mother Gaia. However, they contact humans through their minds due to them being involved with Earth’s creation. The Zodiacs help humans understand themselves more to develop their own potential for the future, ensuring they die a good death along with solving supernatural cases. They were once part of a multiversal singularity of consciousness existing as one being through space and time until alterations of the multiverse’s fabric influencing dimensions, timelines, etc with alterations.

The first was Lucifer Aries, the volatile ram. He carried a non-armored stamp on his hilt shaped as a fleece, stamping the soul with purification thus removing burdens from those cursed by the gods. This fleece is made with the wool of a golden ram that was sacrificed. He is protected by the Colchian Dragon and serves as a symbol for the Monad’s prowess carrying out his will for him. Emanated from Sophia Eros underneath her eldest spawn in sake of the Monad. Leads a troop known as the Grigorian Watchers that shepherds life in proper ritual and ethical conduct. Coming from the family that won against the abyss of Tiamat and Azathoth as signified through him holding the Eros Code due to being emanated from Sophia. However, he feels like other deities treat him as disposable despite all he does. Wields the Tenebris Airgetlam blade.

The second was Mnevis/Mino-Tauros, the unyielding cretan. He is a mud familiar produced by Ahura Mazda through the white bull form of Zeus, serving as an elder god emerging from the Negative Zone with a hunger for knowledge drawing in secrets of the universe. Viewing into the primitive nature of souls through his beastly nature. Growing the more he gains knowledge with radiating brilliance. He is the ancestor of the Ox Zodiac and is responsible for abduction of Europa on behalf of Zeus, leading to the birth of Minos. Has left behind a compacted bio-technological armor.

The third were the Dioscuri Geminid, the dynamic twins. They are paradic twins born from the marriage of a god and a human that ascended through the Wavesong. In the womb, the siblings merged in the womb believing they were forcefully split in birth but they caused a mysterious splicing on their bodies attempting to fuse through attraction of their contrasting personalities. But it resulted in creating a third consciousness between them that often affects their individuality via their unique abilities. Thus it sometimes causes arguments between the two if they feel robbed of their individual “birthright”, foreshadowing the legend of Jacob and Esau. These twins are named Castor and Pollux. Castor succored shipwrecked sailors as the mortal half while Pollux receives sacrifices for favorable winds. Receiving these “sacrifices” by chopping the bodies of those that cross the Underworld. The Dioscuri Geminid are responsible for spreading the idea of Fusionism, an idea to merge and divide life-forms via frequency to form a greater consciousness thus they would become pure mind. Denizens believed this would help reach the Monad.

The fourth was Cancer, the abyssal overhaul. He is a sensitive lunar crab that was considered a pet to Hera, secretly afraid of Heracles. Sometime is treated as an animal shield by the other Zodiacs due to how he instinctively sets up a photonic shield of aquatic rocks. Responsible for dispensing sediment around the Nexus’ rivers to give way for more primaldians to be born.

The fifth was Mufasa Narasimba Lionel, the sublime lion. He is a humanoid nimean lion that rules over the Pride Lands. He is often considered one of the most powerful Zodiacs, but more-so in his way of charisma. His charisma is utilized to stop potentially violent conflicts by settling them within a gladiatorial arena, which some people may consider him crazy for. But he claims he’s always had a heart of gold, few people knowing he means it both metaphorically and literally. He has a brother that stays anonymous within a luring cave due to family tensions. Mufasa is responsible for spreading the idea of the atom circle, which he refers to as the “Circle of Life” cycling repeatedly due to the Wavesong. Representing it through his eternal flame from the goddess Hestia.

The sixth was Astraea Dike, the phantasmic maiden. A symbol of purity, Astraea always carries a wheat with her that was passed from Demeter, the past Virgo incarnation. Due to the wheat being one of very few crops that haven’t withered when Demeter was taken away. She breastfeeds nymphs and spreads the idea of justice. Her philosophy of justice being inherited by her mother, Themis thus strays away from areas that she considers are full of wickedness such as Tehom.

The seventh was Themis Dike, the paragon scales. Themis is responsible for spreading laws. She’s responsible for judging new creations if they’re dangerous or safe to be permitted. Is considered a master artificer, using the power of an asterisp to operate her works. Responsible for setting social hierarchies.

The eighth was Scorpius, the wardening scorpion. A necromantic gene-spliced creation made by Gaia through acidic blood with the help of Serket. Commonly called out for his venomous personality amongst the Zodiacs. Has a third arm within his stinger, forcing conversion on whoever it touches due to being empowered by the Naught Forge. Doubling himself as both a protector and punisher.

The ninth was Crotus Eulenspiegel, the gambling centaur. An offspring of Pan and Eupheme, he sought to hear out the angelic music of the Muses surrounding Eupheme. Travelling across the mountains and has been missing long since, leaving trails of prophetic musical notes. Said to have become an aelophis mage.

The tenth was Capricorn, the heralding seagoat. Said to be the estranged Pan mutated into a seagoat when travelling into the Nile River when escaping Typhon, encountering Cronus. Has relations to a goat with Auriga. He serves as a messenger from the edge of time holding records the past, present and future as a recordskeeper. He once pursued the nymph Syrinx, inspite of her being afraid from his appearance.

The eleventh was Ganymede, the water-bearing devotee. A technological researcher of alkahestry that has a gnack for using vases to contain his experimental fluids. He was snatched away by Zeus’ eagle, Aquila, to become his cup-bearer. He carries a porcelain urn composed of a sedimentary rock that has a bottled genie-like spirit known as Ea Deucallion. Currently acting as a tale-reciting hermit that studies elemental structures of the world when not serving cups to the gods. It is said that he was chosen to replace a previous devotee to the gods, Hebe. Who was favored by Athena thus felt saddened when the gods didn’t want her anymore for her mediocre performance. Having some grudge to Ganymede for Zeus picking him over Hebe.

The twelfth and last was Pisces, the graceful fish. The result of elven primaldians escaping the Typhon flood via the abyss with Aphrodite through Sophia. Coming into contact with a “rain god” that preserved the cities lost in floods for an underwater abyss that Mayans descend from. Turning into a sub-aquatic cryptid being and swimming away to the abyss, gaining a warp purification turning them into adaptive piscean beings. Serves as the moral conscience of the Zodiacs, wielding augmentative conduit and an electric-water polearm. Has creating his inner space within Atlantis. A city created when Poseidon fell in love with Cleito making a city on top of a hill of an isolated island above sea to protect her, until it was flooded after collapsing from an earthquake where Cleito would die, causing Poseidon to search for a new wife. Has five typhoon rings of water for the depths of the water that are stacked together with Poseidon’s statue

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