Isobel Remina, the “Rifting Ghost Priestess” is the younger sister of Ritsueto Remina, the omen prince of the Abyssal Empire and therefore the princess of the Remina Family but is often not accepted as the princess of the Abyssal Empire. She is a rare alien breed known as an anti-Obyrith, meaning she’s a direct counter as a mediating priestess in-touch with souls of the living and dead utilizing wormholes and is pale like that of a whitehole haunting sub-spaces of otherworldly apparitions between dimensional tunnels. She once nearly died during birth but was born with a weak and frail body from an overbearing genetical mutation in her body that override her inner life-force and body systems, requiring her father to make her body bio-mechanical, otherwise artificial containing her organs but also wiping her memories so she wouldn’t be pained remembering her birth.
– Personality –
Compared to her commanding, ferocious brother, Isobel is more on the eager and colorful spectrum of personality after adopting a mental inversion in the aftermath of her birth. She has a distaste for having to wait on the sidelines and much prefers to use up her time with the ones she’s most attached to within her social circle of influence. But she only prefers to be social when she’s in the right mood, otherwise would rather isolate herself. She often doesn’t contain herself in speaking her mind about things, which may lead to occasions where she says something unintentionally. She carries a religious pledge in her, an aspect the Remina family carries from their parents, causing her to often make sure her promises are kept otherwise she’d think divine punishment would be best served for her. This religious pledge is why she refuses to indulge in revealing clothing or acting in a way that is suggestive and therefore would be undesirable. Isobel also has a teasing strategist side to her personality that constantly seeks warmth in comfort and sets up trickery on others with her wormholes to either teleport them in a loop, send them to their most undesired enemy, or quickly move to somewhere she wants to relax at. In-cases of it being someone more bolder than her, she’d rather keep herself silent around them when feeling inferior or outsmarted. This side of her is mostly used as a facade to closet her weak insecurity and feelings of fear and abandonment due to how the Abyssal Empire’s more fiendish crowd of Black Obyrith view her.
Serving with the title of “Rifting Ghost Priestess”, Isobel is mostly introspective and often attempts to communicate to souls of the living and dead or interact with them. But this title, in her eyes, has a secret meaning to her, as she often questions whether her existence is legitimate or not (Due to how little of her birth she is told about from Equinox), seeing herself like someone that exists outside of people’s eyes. To keep her mind off of this, she focuses on her two most favorited things, such as her pearls that represent purity to her, and indulges in eating caramel, her favorite candy ever since she was a child. Due to the fact that since she’s akin to a whitehole, she doesn’t eat other living beings out of her body unwilling to do so and out of choice.
– Relationships –
- Ritsueto Remina: Her older brother, whom she clings onto a lot and loves dearly. Ritsueto often protects her like a living shield against his Obyrith kin that see her as a failure of a breed of Equinox and a usurper of her mother. It is with this that Isobel has a grudge against those that may take his attention away from her. In this close bond, Isobel is most comfortable with showing her teasy side to Ritsueto the most, as she believes they are equal to each other and thinks it is unpredictable who will have the upper hand over one another, despite the obvious results. When it comes to serious matter, Isobel acts like Ritsueto’s psychiatrist for rehabilitation, showing her introspective aspect and always provides him with blood substitutes for his Homunculi instincts.
- Cygnus: TBA
- Norma: TBA
- Orion: TBA
- Spur: TBA
- Sagittarius: TBA
- Carina: TBA
- Scutum: TBA
- Perseus: TBA
– Abilities –
Isobel connects two coordination points of space-time to apply mass to each other, connecting the two points together to form portals of light. Rewriting the space around it with a distortional interface attracting matter. Both sides of the wormhole are shaped as the maw of a wyrm, with their stomach being the limited maelstrom-like subspace within Isobel’s portals’ distance, and the subspace will only close when she or the person she’s transporting has fully been teleported to their desired location. However, one cannot stay in the subspace or else they will slip out of reality and succumb to extradimensional radiation. Nor can the portal be entered from the second coordinate point, considered it’s outside. Energized matter and light are able to escape from the portals, giving her a benefit to fit in weapons or temporary leaks of radiation. It’s distance, mass, precision, etc are all dependent on how much knowledge she has to use it. As the size has to be medium to prevent either not being able to control the portal from being oversized or it simply just shrinking from being too undersized. Those that use spatial-temporal locks would be unaffected and those that negate gravity or use quantum tunneling will instantly destroy her portal through bypassing the subspace.
Awakening these abilities in her body’s creation resulted in some type of damage reaching to her sight of colors, as she can use a spell of kinship scrying with her eyes to link into the eyes of her brother through treating him as the second coordination point. Using a singular wormhole can be used as an incantation circle shaped like a halo to change size, gravity and density. The wormholes can either be placed on surfaces or mid-air. Putting two coordination points on the same place will cause Isobel to phase through it quickly. However, the wormholes may emit dangerously high amounts of radiation from the subspace thus Isobel cannot use them right if she’s panicking or stressed lacking a full focus to plan out where her wormhole will reach.
Isobel can use her hair effigy to access an advanced mode linked into diode access of asterisps through her bodily matter ingesting exacosm. This mode not only works in paralleled spaghettification with Ritsueto but also converts Isobel’s wyrms into threaded cocoon pods of light that make formations, such as how she can form a mechanical portal for a whitehole to emit a waving aura of radiation combined with her circulation when her ingested matter and exacosm is regulated into her wyrms, flowing in her body like a holy water. This whitehole uses spiritual effigies(Which the wyrms in her body will eternally attempt to feed on but never consume) from an empowering singularity echoing into the primaldian age’s matter of light causing a halt in time reducing it with space-time distortion. In pair with her abilities, she uses kyoketsu shige / jitte as part of her wings (Containing a net of portal-summoning orbs) to fight like that of a kunoichi by utilizing stings in her fighting styles that are akin to an insect through dashing thrusts that zig-zag across wormholes.
– Playstyle and Moveset Plan (WIP) –
Isobel can create portals that allow her to teleport instantly herself and enemies between points, amplify her attacks with summons, or use different projectile patterns that trap enemies. She can use multiple portals at once for consecutive combos, along with modify her projectile patterns based on how she places her portals. Her attacks are less about individual attacks and more about overwhelming enemies with rapid, precise set-up. These portals serve as damage zones that amplify attacks, with charges causing multiple of them to open. She’s able to use her portals as follow-ups, cancels, grabs or finishers after heavy attacks to create wisp summons that have continuous hits. Holding these summons extends duration by creating a wisp clone of Isobel that changes the trajectory and pattern of attacks with her portals, dashing into enemies. These wisp clones can follow her with commands for close-ranged attacks that cause auto-targeting projectiles, defensive teleports that generate more Climax/points, or wide-ranged multi-hitting projectile trails that increase in damage when done in conjunction.
?: (TBA) Isobel’s main weapon. An uncany pair of kyoketsu shige / jitte attached to her wings, containing a net of eye-like orbs that summon portals. Made from silk blood and an obsidian-like metal that represents the night, these blades project glaive-shaped ghostflames when attacking by flicking it’s tail-like ends to send out clouds of moth dust that ignite and create spatial domes. Can project orbs that fire out beams, collapse portals to form shockwaves, extend out razor wings, or create a saw hoverboard for traps/platforms.
Futo Makira (TBA): A multi-sectional scroll of senbon talismans/shurikens arranged in a fan/net-like manner, containing an unpredictable space that constantly shifts. Links Isobel to her wisps through, allowing to capture enemies and enchant her attacks by tossing them to alternate her attack patterns individually or in coordinated swarms.
- Spirit Bouquet Combos: A 6-hit combo of fast mid-ranged slashes. Pausing in the middle leads to a continuous sweep that extends her glaives before slamming to form a crossed intersection of portals that dives up and down with wisp trails.
- A held combo where Isobel uses cloned swarms of wisps to attack with her glaives, rapidly hitting enemies. This can be used during an attack to boost stun as a quick cancel.
- Aerial Combos (TBA): A 4-hit combo. Pausing in the middle extends to 6 hits.
- In mid-air, Isobel twirls forward with her crossed wings in a rolling slash, then a tornado bulletkick.
- Air Taunt: Flipping vertical/horizontal spinning kick
- Teleport dashes into enemies with a somersault kick to launch them with trails. Upon launch, she fires heavy shots into the enemy. Charging it causes Isobel to spin an energy glaive from side to side, launching the enemy into the air before she teleports above the enemy with her wisp, smashing into them with a tackle.
- Spins downward from mid-air with her glaive, extending out wisp shots
- Graceful Hornet: Dives down from above with a double slash, creating gentle bursts of energy that leaves nearby enemies vulnerable to extra damage from her next attack. Charging slams down with her glaive.
- Chrysalis: Sends out a rapid-fire stream of butterfly-shaped projectiles from both of her wings that can be aimed in any direction. The number and spread of portals can be adjusted via a charge that creates an explosive swarm of portals with heavy damage, allowing for both close-range and ranged attacks. Follow-up attacks after these charged shots causes Isobel’s glaives to clap together with wisp enhancements and can be used during dashes.
- Ethereal Harmony: Isobel releases an explosive pulse from her portal when timing her attack’s cooldown or dodge/parry. This boosts damage output by reloading Isobel’s attacks with summons that enhance her.
- Long-ranged sprinting teleport that leaves a trail of projectiles while slashing with both of her arms. This can be used for forward dashes, back-dashing / dodges, and aerial combat. These trails expand how far her wisp summons reach as long as she’s not hit, enhancing her basic attacks and can be held to sweep in enemies with multiple wide glaive hits.
- Fluttering: Isobel creates an illusionary clone that absorbs damage for her upon dodging, allowing her to temporarily sprint
- Charmed Nectar: Rides her blades while rotating in a cluster of moving blades and spatial clones, causing constant damage as they home in on enemies. Can be ported to multiple locations.
- Tags enemies with a telekinetic ode to teleport into them with damaging slashes. When an enemy is marked with multiple tags and has low health, Isobel performs an execution on them. Doing it in a combo causes her to do rapid wisp multi-slashes.
- Cancels her dash with a telekinetic bomb that’s placed as a trap, teleporting away with her wisp summon. Enemies that are hit by it get trapped in a pocket dimension through a wisp grabbing them, serving as an amplification field that boosts Isobel’s speed and points gained.
- Cocoon: Creates a protective shell around herself when guarding. She’s able to charge her counterattack to gain more Climax based on how much damage was parried, firing a wisp orb that sweeps enemies.
- Calls forth a spatial mandala that rains down across a designated area via reflecting lasers through a border, creating portals that repeatedly unleash charged projectiles with high damage. This mandala enhances Isobel by enhancing her light combo attacks to cancel into additional attacks from other portals, allowing to continuously attack to summon more portals upon timing it after the mandala summon until her Flow Chain moves to the next rank.
- Throws a large wisp that spins inward as torrent projectiles in any direction that entangle multiple enemies, slowing them down. They can be manipulated to orbit around Isobel as a spatial chakram or explode. Works in mid-air
- Rides on her web for evasive movement or to cancel into other attacks.
- Performs a breakdancing kick with projectiles around herself before slamming, blasting the ground with glaive spikes. Using this during a portal summon causes the portal to alternate with multiple projectiles.
- Creates a loop of bouncing projectiles between multiple portals that open simultaneously.
- Hovers in mid-air. Jumps and dashes/air dash cause damage with a crossing 2-slash.
- Can send a giant portal punch vertically or horizontally then smashes enemies with a stomp
- Fires a beam of multiple spikes from her wings via her wisp, attacking any enemies from far away.
- Wisp strikes down on enemies while airborne, slashing upwards
- Wisp zips across the area in zig-zag movement, setting up auto-targeting projectiles
- Wisp clone turns into an enemy-pulling portal when hit, then counters with a shockwave while Isobel repositions. Works during dodges/parries
- Isobel uses her wisp to grab/throw enemies
- Fires large energy waves from her glaives that can be held for combo extension, homing in on enemies. Works in mid-air.
- Isobel does a double-turning thrust that protrudes her glaive wings, keeping enemies away. This can be done continuously to rapidly pierce into the enemy with her glaives up to 3 times. Works in mid-air.
- Dash jump attack causes her to leap with an enemy-pulling multi-slash but can be charged for her to teleport back to do an extra glaive kick and smash
- Flying bullet kick that can be done 3-5 times in a row, sending her legs across portals to curve their range as projectiles before doing a long-ranged sting. Each kick in a row causes Isobel to teleport with a twirling slash that causes thunderclap-like blows on each hit before spinning downward from above with a teleporting dropkick. Can be done with teleport dashes on ground and mid-air.
- Auspicious Starlight: Places telekinetic odes that charge up to send wisp clones of Isobel as multiple sets of projectiles that bounce across the area. Charging longer creates a field that expands.
- Sends a long-ranged wisp slash at her telekinetic ode.
- Ascension Finisher – Deific Communion: Isobel charges her blade with a ghostflame sheath, before releasing homing shockwaves, or a sweeping aura. Holding longer makes an AoE of wisp summons in a connected arc. Works on back-dashes / dodges with an afterimage wisp that can be used during a combo to knock away enemies.
- Ultimate Attack – Divine Rite: Isobel rapidly shifts between portals with wisp trails that converge together, creating fleeting illusions that form a demonic kanji-styled symbol.
– Trivia –
Isobel’s height is 5’6.
Isobel was originally going to have vocal damaging from her abilities awakening in pair with her affected eyesight.
Light being able to pass through Isobel’s subspace has affected her body in parallel to how Obyrith normally have pale hair
– Gallery –







