Lyra Pose Transparent



The following page is pending for an eventual rework

Lyra Dies (De-es) Cadens is the older sister and mentor of Elpis, serving as the leader of the Tannin Jaegers within the crusading rangers of the Talon Regime as part of a jaded troop of noise-wave marines that turned into Nosoimones and were formerly in league with the Vessels. She serves as one of the central operating navigators, leading the Tannin Jaegers. Unlike Elpis, she is a Vessel, personifying the Lyre Astrable’s inheritance as a bard-mage Armiger, albeit not in the same type of life-form category as him due to being accidentally infused within the Lyre sub-Espada through a malfunction forcibly putting her inside through a resonating attraction. Thus is a support unit for Acus Enterprise and Elpis in general.


Lyra is highly intelligent and earnest, preferring to set her personal feelings and concerns aside during tasks. She has a politically-minded imperious attitude, often being speaking out her opinions regardless of how it can be perceived due to valuing words philosophically. These words are used to express Lyra’s obstinate detest for the absurdities of her society from how it affects perception. When a good perception is set around her, Lyra is stand-offish mainly by action and not outright speaking it. Her stand-off is however well-balanced, choosing to not rub salt in the wound to others. She has low empathy due to the modeling behind her raising that hadn’t bent to a different lifestyle like Elpis. Her low empathy causes her to not fully believe if someone has changed, having a hard time to believe it due to the thoughts that race within her head about a specific person. She also doesn’t like jokers of impractical taste such as Wukong whom she always sees as a suspect.

Behind her imperious attitude, she alternates to an artistically inclined side of herself with a variety of personality dispositions on a dime that uses her emotions to inspire songs based within her inhumanity. Due to how she perceives her inhumanity as a part of her unlike Elpis, and in her perspective inhumanity is expressed within “polarized” emotions of society. These emotions for her are however difficult to read when she is moody. This can often lead into her feeling overambitious and thus feeling burnout, feeling restless and thus is easily stressed. her stress is often from having dark thoughts she doesn’t want to express to avoid others getting emotionally involved. She’d easily feel snubbed if someone she personally cares for doesn’t listen but doesn’t want to hold it as a grudge unless it’s someone she feels is within her lack of empathizing. She mainly uses her songs to carry wishes of her mother, and her overambition makes her want validation from the ones she’s close to. Despite having an increased intelligence, she is not free from being naive at times thus often trusts people too much.


  • Elpis: Due to her being somewhat older, Lyra attempts to constantly steer him in the right direction she sees fit. The two contrast in behavior due to Elpis being taken in by a group of bandits and rejecting his heritage, thus forgetting his second and last name. Though this part of him can make Lyra frustrated, she still persists to do what she can for him even if he’s not in interest at the time due to how much she cares enough for him. Both equally view each other with a portion of stubbornness within themselves, occasionally mediating between a positive or negative way. Elpis doesn’t like her opportunism, and Lyra dislikes his self-denial. She eases up to Elpis the most due to her willing to lay down her life for him, naturally not taking orders from others unless it’s the people she respects.

  • Birdy: Lyra often attempts to refrain from spoiling Birdy in order to prevent her being a top priority. She would sometimes find Birdy a nuisance to deal with at younger ages yet still feels a form of happiness when being around her. Though Birdy would often be too interested in Lyra’s equipment such as once attempting to wear her charm pendant, to which Lyra kept it away as much as she could so Birdy wouldn’t have her life influenced from it. She thinks Birdy only naturally has aspects of Elpis and herself within her and doesn’t want it to be forced upon her life.

  • Daibo: Lyra appreciates Daibo’s support and loyalty. She sees him as a faithful companion, who always follows her like a cub. He supports her by helping her with tasks, defending her from threats, and cheering her up when she is down. He also supports her by listening to her advice, following her instructions, and learning from her mistakes. He is always ready to lend a hand, a shoulder, or an ear to her. She enjoys sharing her wisdom and experience with him, and teaching him new things. She respects his trust and confidence in her choices, and knows that he will always stand by her side. She considers him a friend and a protégé, and hopes to help him grow and succeed. She values his curiosity and enthusiasm, and encourages him to express himself more.

  • Shidarena: TBA

  • Seirya: Due to being under a manager for her side-occupation, Lyra and Seirya treat each other as artistic associates. Lyra finds Seirya’s perseverance to be something inspiring, but not something to fully take due to her staying self-conscious while going with his personality’s flow. Occasionally she would find him comedic. Though the goofiness of Seirya causes Lyra to attempt to supervise him while he’s not aware to ensure his safety due to losing a past partner which has caused her to have a loner attitude. Occasionally they would clash in personalities if Seirya were to be too laid back as opposed to Lyra being too cooperative. Lyra would account for someone such as Daibo to accompany her due to his personality, leaving Seirya at base for various predicaments.

  • Larasu: Lyra finds Larasu too unpredictable to read, let alone his auto-tuned vocal chords doesn’t make it any better. She holds an impressive patience towards him simply based on thinking they’d do great teamwork. Like Seirya, Lyra in a way finds Larasu comedic. Albeit, comedic in the sense that Lyra sees him as very tryhard in his skills.

  • Daiyu: Lyra sees Daiyu as a cold person who is struggling to face anymore obstacles. She thinks Daiyu doesn’t care much about the consequences or means of her actions, often trying to reason with her. Due to how Daiyu wants to carry her own weight. As a leader, she never would hold a grudge to Daiyu as a person, sometimes even complimenting or thanking her. Respecting Daiyu’s skills and abilities, and empathizes with her restricted lifestyle. Occasionally bringing her to collaborate during operations for extraordinary tactics. She cares about the impact of Daiyu’s actions on herself and others, and will help to make sure her mannerisms can be improved.


Lyra’s arms are embedded with a pair of ancient metagallion handgun-like weapons strung together in a split harp. These strings link into her heart and flows by psychic sense. This allows her to use the psychic waves of her mind and the cardiologic beats of her heart to form mana-psionic art of sound with electromagnetic mana in the form of airwave noise. Shooting them as a spray of psycho-sonic destructive spheres from her hands leaving a telekinetic blast of noise-waves upon impact. These cardiologic beats flow as charming music note-like bio-waves from the fielded scalar bio-field within Lyra due to her pendant charm building up a mesmerizing aura of frequency. She keeps this aura up by keeping a constant rhythm in her movement that keeps her cardiologic beats active to discharge it out as a rupturing shot.

This rupturing is often utilized by Lyra through an explosive amount of loudness through using speed to wind up the amplification of the sound. She sends out her rupturing shot via controlling the nerves with an electric signal in one’s body surging more with how she affects the flow of their heart as thundering vibrations. The signal thus sends the rupturing wave across their body via a compound fission. Her cardiologic beats are sent through-out her nerves that are linked with her Lyre’s musica nerves. This frequency determines how much noise mana is emitted with it’s modulation based on the electric signal linked to the mind and heart. This allows Lyra to interfere with the signals of the others’ bodies, affecting their nerves and impulses to charm them by drawing them toward her with her noise mana or reading their mind through the electromagnetic spectrum. This charming effect can also extend to various technology, sending nerve stimulation in the form of electromagnetic aelophis as feedback to Lyra, amplifying her depending on how many waves she’s sensing while temporarily disrupting the receiver’s signal before discharging. Easily cancelling out the vibrations projected from others. She however can’t amplify if she’s dealing with loud noises that easily disturb her.

Her interference with technology through her noise allows her to harmonize with the tech, allowing for a better synchronization with her spellbook to generate various spells through her mind with two ring-like items of an Ark equipped on both of her middle fingers. Such as generating runic letters that discharge a specific sound based on her body’s actions through amplifying her voice. Few of these runic letters can cause communicators to malfunction and disrupt radiowaves with loud amplification of soundwaves bursting a shockwave of electric energy from bass based on the amount of volume. But the volume or modality of something before discharging is dependent on Lyra’s level of heartbeats. Meaning if her heart is beating rapidly, she cannot use her beat frequency until cooling down otherwise risks her mana becoming raw with her passing out. Her cool-down depends on how frequent she’s using her abilities, possibly even leaving her powerless for a while through draining her.

Through the blood pumping from her heart, Lyra manipulates telekinetic bloodstrings supported with airwaves beyond just playing the lyre. Shaping and bending them to create various rivet-like sound constructs or weapons, such as ropes for navigation, illusionary threads, invisible threads to catch enemies in brambled traps, etc. Being able to shift the pitch to affect the power output and can use these to treat her charmed enemies like dolls, or bring non-sentient constructs to life with her control by threading bones. This extends into making elastic layers around herself, ending them like elongated limbs with interweaving attacks with great rigidity and ductility. Affecting things that have enough elasticity to be transmutated through the sound. She enters a lucid form from her pendant charm’s ethereal rune, allowing her to enter a change within psychic frequency of the soul’s electromagnetic waves within her life-stream akin to Armigers with their Bio-Armed Metagallions. This lucid form shares the lightness of Lyra due to her having a hollow skeleton that makes her have good reflexes in exchange of bones that break easier, flowing through mid-air easier as opposed to Lyra simply emitting a small pair of feathered silk wings to double her jump in mid-air. Her lucid form uses it’s sharp edges to emit noise through direct attacks. In her lucid form, she deconstructs movement as sound and can adapt to it as rhythm to take advantage. She is invulnerable to hypnotic effects but it weakens her ultrasonic hearing in exchange of being able to perform astral projection through controlling her eyestalks. Her weakened ultrasonic hearing causes her to be disturbed more by loud noises. She cannot detect spirits in her lucid form due to her ectoplasm not being part of her reading signals.

Lyra’s Neo-Overdrive involves lacing her hands to complete a magical formation adding an undetectable high-pitched tone to her movement and voice in a sequence of subliminal rhythm of a loud song before clashing the items together in a clapping slash. The vibrational slash of the clap results in a heart-flashing blackhole of pulsing noise that has a devastating repel from Lyra’s palms as a concussive blast granting multi-hits.

  • Is aware of illusions through echolocation
  • Cannot affect nerveless beings
  • Cannot affect large amounts of people


Lyre Arcus Sub-Espada: A mobile terminal bow-axe harp metagallion of neurochemistry and voodoo that links Lyra easily to Elpis’ Acus Enterprise/Chiron Strata as support. It is a bionic combination of the Psalterium Georgii and Magadis Obsolete, which granted Lyra vulture-like attributes. Fires strawed arrow-whips from the limited ammunition of spaghettification cords within when they are strung for a quick charge. Lyra’s harp is made from the reflective shell of a tortoise, thus has some endurance before the scales on it start to take serious damage. The reflectionary shell is often spinning when deflecting attacks and can redirect it through slamming onto the ground for a discharge. Has an autobalance system to move or spin at rapid speed. Can convert into a vulture of pod-cocoons linked to Lyra’s arm and carries her intelligence for her. When the bowstring is drawn back, it emits a soft, melodic hum that resonates with the environment.

Each strike emits a musical tone that resonates with the rhythm of Lyra’s movements, enhancing her agility and speed in combat. Every end chord from the musical performance causes the guitar to create a soundwave blast to send enemies flying from spatial distortion and will inflict any damage to those in it’s focused range. Additionally, it’s rings create shockwaves when clashed together, disrupting enemy formations and leaving them vulnerable to follow-up attacks. With a flick of her wrist, Lyra can unleash powerful sonic waves that travel along the length of Arcus. By orchestrating specific sequences, Lyra could create varying effects such as sonic waves, buffs, or debuffs for allies or foes. Lyra is also able to access an Ophiuchus Kerykeion blade known as Aristodama Caduceus, said to be a “true Gestalt”

Gameplay and Moveset Plan

  • Lyra is a melee-ranged character with AoE attacks, shorter delay and supportive abilities. She works well in tag-teams due to her creative set that makes her more versatile, summoning and commanding projectiles as part of her attacks. Similarly to Elpis, her movements evoke sound but these sounds can also be found in enemies and the obstacles around her. Thus her movement, attacks and an enemy’s attacks are read on a music sequencer that replaces her energy gauge, with a glow happening during an attack that must be pressed on time for the move to properly carry out with follow-ups and can extend it near the end. Such as countering attacks, cancelling out her moves, or charging and releasing at the right time thus raising the “volume” that pitches her damage and amount of attacks she has. Allowing her to react to inputs and match them for effective damage, relying on her spell cards easily. Lyra’s attacks are light and have medium hitboxes, allowing her to chain as much as possible as a result of how her combo finishers deal a great amount of damage. Having a diverse range of unblockable mid-air attacks involving wide swings of a rotational arc. Successful counters via attack combinations that fission/weaken the pitch of the enemy for a louder sound based on elements will grant Lyra nexeratics that pitching her attacks differently. With her maintained rhythm of attacks, her movement rides in a airwave that maintains her mobility.
  • Lyra jumps the same height as Ritsueto. Her jumps are damaging pirouettes that have good reach. However, she does not have something like a double jump or a hover, but instead a glide when holding her jump. This glide makes Lyra pushed in the air via airwaves, giving her a unique movement. Albeit Lyra’s sequencer could mess with her combos when gliding. She’s able to dash and dodge twice.
  • Lyra can stock arrows for different formation commands such as homing onto enemies, shielding Lyra, circling enemies, performing rapid shots, singular shots, sending out mini-missile arrows, etc.
  • Lyra not only has access to her Arcus, but also 4 Styles that combine 2 weapons together, allowing her to blend different attacks with different effects.
  • Lyra’s weakness is that she has a steep learning curve to deal with her rhythm-based attacks through decent timing in combos and requires more knowledge of her spell cards, which help in the middle or end of her combos when summoning. Not maintaining a good rhythm will decrease the efficiency on Lyra’s attacks and make her have lower performance in combat.

  • Main attacks involve spraying projectiles as quick mid-range attacks, occasionally using a bow mode to snipe closer. Lyra’s projectiles are shot in an upward parabola, being dense and can cover a lot of area. Can fire upwards, in front of her, at angles and in mid-air. Utilizes horizontal sweeps and upwards spin attacks that have great range. Melee attacks are secondary, some can be held so that Lyra sends some automatic shots towards enemies. When aiming and setting trajectory of shots via sliding, the flow of time is slowed down which would assist to target the weak points of enemies.
  • Lyra’s combos have 4 attacks, sending wide sprays of projectiles at once. Stopping in the middle of the combo causes her to spin with extended shots that go one at a time before slamming down a heavy shot that sends 3 waves near her. Stopping after 3 slashes makes Lyra slam downward then upward, and flip over Arcus with a thrust kick. Each hit can be mixed with rapid shots.
  • Lyra can hold her combo to fire slower burst shots with each hit, creating a musical faerie summon at the end of her combos through the discs on Arcus. In Enigma Trigger, this combo ends with a rapid multi-stab of arrows. Each hit can be mixed with rapid melee attacks.
  • Lyra stands briefly with a heavy charge before performing 4 quick and well-timed slashes increasing in damage with each hit
  • After a shot, Lyra can spin Arcus in a held juggle sending out 360 shots
  • A bullet kick for both ground and air, causing multi-damage
  • Charges a shot that locks onto multiple enemies (Multi-lock)
  • Lyra can use her disc to dodge an incoming attack with a double counter, going around the enemy with an airwave causing multi-hits with a revolving slash combo
  • Sends rapid shots towards enemies akin to a machine gun
  • A leaping overhead that extends towards enemies with Aristodama during Lyra’s run
  • Using a lock-on upward shot that’s charged causes arrows to rain down on enemy position
  • Lyra can charge a slash for Arcus that sends multiple slash waves at enemies when quickly done, an alternative has her throw a straight airwave toward an enemy that’s heavy and can be done on ground or air. Having a potential follow-up with the corded disc to pull in enemies.
  • To keep enemies in place, Lyra morphs Arcus and throws it into enemies as it does increasing damage on them, allowing Lyra to perform consecutive attacks.
  • Charging can also be used for a short block of Lyra spinning Arcus against an incoming shot, quickly releasing the blocked shot to release the same force applied into an explosive shot. Doing it on close-range results in an underhanded palm attack from Lyra pushing away an enemy.
  • To wind up attacks for a consistent rhythm, Lyra uses energy to build up swirling notes around her like a shield damaging enemies by contact. This can be repeated for a short while before Lyra does a horizontal swipe, sending shots to home in or can be commanded in zig-zag directions.
  • Lyra can use the edge of Arcus in 2 heavy bashes that knocks away enemies, though it’s singular for mid-air.
  • Summons arrow swarms from mid-air. With Enigma Trigger, these turn into beam shots.
  • Sends out arrows that return to her
  • Places her foot on a downed enemy, rapidly firing at them before swinging them away
  • Whether on ground or air to gain flexibility with her shots, Lyra can spin Arcus around herself dispensing rapid arrows
  • Lyra can rapidly pierce on enemies from mid-air, ending with a heavy burst
  • Has a chargeable launch as Lyra flies into the air, swirling enemies with her through catching them in an airwave and causes rapid slashes when done continually. Having a follow-up that fires arrows. Lyra’s mid-air combo can be extended by stopping in the middle of it, giving her a second launch. Going forward with her mid-air combo causes her to slowly descend as she does 3 whirling hits that hits both mid-air enemies and grounded enemies and is chargeable.
  • Air dash that causes a swirling torrent reaching enemies high and low.
  • If Lyra doesn’t get sent into mid-air after using the launch, she has 3 quick projectile-infused strikes that slam into enemies and send slash waves. Each hit can be held to charge up then home on enemies.
  • To easily juggle on an enemy, Lyra spins Arcus like a propeller against them in a cleaving wave. It’s follow-up has Arcus unload shots that continue to juggle, sending them into the air with heavy knockback when finishing with an upward slash.
  • Back-dashing shot that creates a spiralling vortex on enemies, launching them as Lyra flips multiple times with melee strikes
  • A forward flip and a backwards flip that can send a short vibration
  • Can cancel out of a dash and slide from any surface, releasing a shockwave of bass dealing extra damage to any enemy in range. Cancelling out of a dash or slide with a jump allows Lyra to leap over enemies or back away from them as she twirls in mid-air sending consecutive shots
  • Quickly dashing twice with an attack leaves a projectile trail
  • Attacking downward causes Lyra to do a twirling sweep or a downwards slam that sends a shockwave. Lyra’s downward slam can be extended with a brief pause to perform it more times
  • A rapid tendril-enhanced helicopter kick that can be extended into a sweeping rapid kick, dealing stun on enemies before Lyra launches herself from air-to-ground or ground-to-air
  • A twirling shot in mid-air that sends out a vortex of arrows
  • Continually slashes on enemies
  • Charged double shot that sends a slash wave
  • Sends 4 slash waves from mid-air before homing downward, causing a shockwave
  • Downward slam kick in mid-air to quickly knock down enemies. When falling, Lyra can pogo on enemies by holding down with her attack input thus bouncing from enemy to enemy.
  • Has a slower chargeable dash as a shield bash covering Lyra in a rebounding airwave as she rides Arcus to hit enemies, going past them with light damage and can follow-up with rapid burst shots that ends with a heavy thrust. This can be altered so that Lyra throws enemies into Arcus via her airwave, breaking their movement. Dashing around an enemy allows Lyra to do a short rush combo of 4 slashes from behind.
  • During a slide, Lyra can rapidly fire as she sweeps enemies
  • Throws Arcus at an enemy in a large burst before it retreats to her after doing a brief timed wind-up through the disc
  • Calls in support fire on an area that’s marked, firing a large beam on enemies temporarily
  • Bouncing shot that increases damage with each ricochet
  • After a dodge, Lyra can dash toward an enemy with a held rush combo.
  • Double charged slash that leads to an AoE infinite slash
  • Jumping during the shield bash gives Lyra extra range as she extends Arcus to pierce across multiple enemies and can pierce guards
  • Follow-up for Lyra’s pirouette jump is an energized slash whirl that causes waves to appear around Lyra knocking away enemies
  • Using the disc in conjunction with Arcus causes Lyra to spin it around herself with disjointed range and can be continually pressed to extend it’s length before doing 3 wide slashes before she goes forward, playing the harp at high volume
  • When gliding, Lyra has angular air dashes to fire shots as widened arrows, hitting a wide range. She can dive down onto locked-on enemies, with Arcus enveloping her in an arrow for an axe kick. A follow-up for this is a flurry of kicks on enemies below Lyra before ending with a burst shot.
  • During a jump, Lyra does a rising hook kick that spins and does increasing damag
  • Aerial attack when gliding has Lyra spin as she shoots her projectiles, potentially deflecting away any enemies. Downward attack in mid-air has Lyra hook an enemy up into the air with her, raising the pitch.
  • Descending spin attack with Arcus as Lyra slams down onto the ground
  • Lyra can spin herself in while Arcus stays stationary, tossing herself onto an enemy upon release. Rapidly pressing the input causes her to spin above an enemy with an airwave torrent.

(TBA Claw Style): Crosses together gauntlets and greatblade equipment. Has a corded disc sub-weapon that can be used in the middle of combos as extensions to pull in, trip or trap enemies for multi-damaging staggers for ground and air. When dodging, Lyra can hold her dodge with this disc to move around or position herself dispensing shots to enemies and can chain together her spell cards, linking together to her basic moves. This also allows her to swing over areas and use grapple points. When far away, Lyra monitors the enemy’s sound with these discs. After using multiple spell cards at once, Lyra can use that same spell card to trigger an energy-gaining finisher attack through her cord, while using a different card after that chain applies a buff for her arrows.

  • Basic combo has 5 attacks that will cause Lyra to go forward with a whirling overhead after going upward. Lyra can charge mid-combo to send out 2 wide slashes that then crush inwards.
  • Close-ranged rapid punch with increasing damage
  • A quick mid-ranged kick combo with Lyra spinning while holding Aristodama by her leg, leaving behind tornado trails
  • Quick and extensive punches forgroundand mid-air
  • Mid-air 5-slash with heavy power as Lyra swings multiple times with curved slashes that can be held
  • Held weaving stance with quick punches and chargeable counterattacks
  • Double-sided blast that reaches long lengths, sending constant damage as a torrent shot whether vertically or horizontally. Can be held to spin outward.
  • A continuous attack from mid-air to ground and vice versa, finishing off enemies
  • Lyra claps her hands together to fire a large beam after a brief windup, using up her Climax Gauge’s energy
  • Timed one-hit finisher for stunned enemies
  • Can charge her finishers/combo extensions
  • Spins discharging cannon shots on ground and mid-air
  • Holds down Aristodama on an enemy for increasing damage
  • Sliding kick combo with 3-hits
  • Charged string of 5 slashes, leaving behind multi-damage
  • Chargeable divekick that leaves trails
  • Drills into frontal enemies with a forward kick that can be aimed in any direction
  • Charged double beam shot then slash wave travels long distances
  • Slamming downward from mid-air causes a burning quake with beams appearing outward, hitting all enemies around Lyra
  • Grabs enemies from behind for a multi-piledriver
  • Blasts continuous shots on enemies that are launched
  • Grabs enemies with discs to slam them downward
  • Wall-perching and jumps deal damage through sending out energy waves, being able to do homing dashes at enemies for quick attacks from a wall.
  • Flipping slash that goes over enemies, and can fire quick shots
  • Backhand bash that pushes enemies away with outward shots
  • Dashes have more recoil, and can be cancelled with a backwards disc attack.
  • Charged disc throws are burst grenades that are slotted, increasing the amount of burst shots sent toward enemies at once depending on how long Lyra charges. But Lyra cannot charge for too long, as a well-timed burst grenade could stun an enemy in a flash of damage. Has a passive technique sending down a bolting wave while Lyra is invulnerable, can be used in mid-air affecting her angular advantage.
  • Discs can form a net of telekinetic strings that deal increasing damage to enemies caught inside, being able to be done rapidly
  • Has 3 large semi-charged shots pushing enemies away whether on ground or mid-air
  • Can cause stocked arrows to overlap with one another, creating wider shots
  • Cancels out her dash with a multi-damaging shockwave in front of her that stays in place temporarily
  • Leans downward for an upward kick
  • A 3-hit that goes around an enemy at mid-range
  • Charge attacks makes a nexeratic enhancement permanent, using a portion of energy
  • Slamming down from mid-air has a follow-up attack that’s continuous, leaving behind surges on the ground
  • Grabs an enemy to either beat on them or swing them around to hit multiple enemies around Lyra
  • Can throw out arrows that split
  • Rolls Aristodama across the ground in a whirling trail, leading to Lyra creating a slamming blast after it crawls along surfaces with a split shot whether on ground or mid-air
  • A slamming blast that’s mid-ranged
  • Uses her leg to wield Aristodama in 4 close-ranged slashes
  • Mid-air slash makes Lyra spin down into the ground as she deflects damage, stabbing the edge of Aristodama for a large blast to enemies near or dealing heavy damage to the enemy she landed on. This can lead to Lyra swinging with a 3-hit slash that’s mid-ranged
  • Held swirling cluster shot that’s flexible in where it aims, firing twice at once through increasing speed
  • Can spawn Chiron Strata to ride as a vehicle any time
  • Thrusting downward allows to quickly pull back up to send an enemy away as a combo finisher.

(TBA Wing/Howl Style): Crosses mid-air combat and grounded combat. Can create flying energy specters that bounce and home onto enemies.

  • Charged 5-hit combo that leads into an upward tornado as Lyra grows extensions on her arms
  • Dashes that leave behind lightning-like trails and can tag multiple enemies to affect Lyra’s finishers, being able to be done up to 5 times
  • Multiple swings with continuous damage
  • Throws a burst that creates an expanding wave
  • Leaps out, leaving behind a multi-hitting trail as she goes forward
  • Lines up arrows to either be sent out in a straight direction, be fired in an array to cause explosions, or follow behind her to leave trails
  • Sends out long-ranged arrow Aristodama attacks that are weaker but cover more area
  • Fires a bouncing energy shot whether from ground and mid-air, charging sends a wide array
  • Sends out Aristodama to hunt enemies by spiralling around them
  • Sends out orbs that will detonate into torrent bursts
  • Held attack in the middle of a mid-air 4 slash combo leads to a rapid attack on the ground slamming enemies back with a wide slash
  • Can attack while running with 3 quick slashes
  • Sends out a scythe-like energy wave from ground or above

(TBA Aquatic Style): Uses split attacks and defensive options, involving a pole weapon with large ends. Absorbs souls from enemies in a small bar and tactically strategizes with asterisps stockpiled in Lyra’s Tome body, being able to summon them out as charmed enemies.

  • Mid-air spinning slash that can be held to cause a large AoE burst
  • A 3-hit whirling hammer
  • 4-slash mid-air combo
  • Lyra twirls Aristodama around herself, creating a whirling blast that sweeps enemies reaching up to mid-air with an extensive strike
  • Throws out Aristodama whether on ground or mid-air, allowing it to bounce around through dodging or parrying
  • Guard-cancelling continuous slash
  • Propeller slash that cancels out dashing when charged
  • Traps enemies with orbs from Necronomicon
  • Swings around Aristodama with 3 swift slashes causing it to extend
  • Halts enemies or projectiles at the cost of energy
  • Can use multiple counters, each which automatically switch depending on the situation
  • A mid-ranged shot then shoulder bash with that’s chargeable for ground and mid-air
  • 2 mid-air slashes that bends around Lyra, twisting her energy blades
  • Sends out electrifying pillars before creating a dome that causes bursts across the area
  • Places down Aristodama to shock enemies. This can be done up to 3 times and send increasing damage of electricity across multiple enemies.

Necronomicon Tome: Gives Lyra access to her spell cards for special techniques in link to Elpis. Archives Lyra’s experiences and knowledge as data and allows her to communicate to others from anywhere as if it were a phone, allowing her to access multiple elements at once for atomic transmutation, healing, or converting nature. When using the phone-like mode of the spellbook she’s able to sense danger more through a mental transmission of echoes. With this Tome, she can also call in a hoverboard and shift her Arcus weapon. Altering her DNA through Ex Arms in an odic fusion with her pendant, bending the exacosmic energies of biomass.

  • Abilities of energy gauge for spell cards as runic letters require to be charged first, amplified through the end of a combo based on if Lyra is either going ranged or melee. Using attacks such as a looping strum-charge attack releasing a strong shot, a high-ranged soundwave, charming passive enemies as attack-enhancing nexeratics, an enemy-pushing bass cluster, Lyra’s clap slash, etc. Charmed enemies can be used as mannequin-like summons to keep an enemy away and mess with their rhythm.
  • Lyra’s Ultimate Attack has her release an energy burst across the area after performing pirouettes across the area with 3 wide slashes. Creates AoEs where arrows automatically fall after using it
  • A spell card where Lyra fires out a giant orb before firing out beams across the sky
  • Debuffs enemies at the cost of a medium amount of energy
  • Grounded spell card where Lyra dashes at an enemy, performing a quick string of attacks on timed inputs before spinning around with Arcus causing a strummed torrent to attack the enemy at the end of the combo
  • Spell card where Lyra creates a beam projectile damaging enemies all around
  • Spell card that causes Lyra to gain health, EXP, and points at twice the usual rate
  • Spell card that restores both health and energy
  • A passive card that causes Lyra’s Climax Gauge to not run out temporarily

Pendant Charm: A keepsake and telekinetic talisman-like charm with an ethereal rune that grants access to the abilities of the free-spirited race Lyra’s mother and aunt was a part of. Is halved from Elpis’ pendant. Allows Lyra to read into routes and secret passages based on energy signals, as well as allowing her to enter her temporary lucid form of pure energy. Enables Lyra’s link to Titania’s pod-cocoon via Ark-related items on both of Lyra’s middle fingers.

  • Shots are instantly charged, high aerial pressure, permanent glide, etc.


Lyra is named after the constellation of the same name. She shares her middle name with the goddess Dies, the personification of day whom was the daughter of Chaos and Caligo (Mist), and is also the roman counterpart to Hemera. Her last name, Cadens, comes from the alternate name of Lyra, Vultur Cadens. Which she also has traits from a vulture due to this name.

Lyra’s gameplay first started via scrapped mechanics of Elpis’ Podalirius Cipher.

Lyra is skilled in ballet.

Lyra’s arrows being strawed is a parallel to an old concept of Elpis using string

Lyra’s abilities were originally going to be used for Larasu due to how he was going to be set as a DJ-styled Ultfinite. A few other changes were done to Lyra’s abilities such as:

  • Lyra was going to be only anti-hypnotic in her normal form
  • Lyra would’ve been able to charm only inaminate objects but not those of technological origin


Lyra 2
Lyra’s signature pose
Lyra with her pendant charm and lucid form 379917677 713280820627356 6874923074763098469 n 1080
Lyra 6

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